'Extra Mile Day' Message Offers Alternative to 99% Movement's Focus

MARINA DEL REY, Calif., Oct. 30, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 227 Mayors Make November 1 Declaration

Millions of Americans are frustrated and angry about the direction their lives are going. Whether it is the direction the country is taking or their own future outlook, people are uncertain about the control they have over their own lives. One message being adopted by 227 mayors offers a renewed perspective: Want something better in your life? Then "go the extra mile" and make it happen.

Mayors in all 50 states are declaring November 1, 2011, as "Extra Mile Day"…a day acknowledging the capacity we each have to create positive change in our families, organizations, communities and world. In association with the Extra Mile America Foundation, mayors have come together to remind people that individuals and organizations each have the authority to promote change by their willingness to do more, give more, and go the extra mile.

"We all talk about wanting change…happiness…more opportunity. However, relying on others to make that happen is only wishing for life to get better," says Extra Mile America Foundation founder Shawn Anderson. "Life can be hard, but the 'go the extra mile' message gives people an alternative to either pointing fingers in anger or throwing their arms in the air and saying 'I give up!'"

With so many people discontent with their current position and demanding change in opportunity, "Extra Mile Day" offers the chance to give people a renewed perspective on their current situation.

"Going the extra mile is doing more than the normal...more than expected. Going the extra mile is getting back up after we've been knocked down…despite whatever has happened," Anderson says. "Going the extra mile is where change starts."

The Extra Mile America Foundation's mission is to "empower individuals, organizations, and cities to go the extra mile." Extra Mile Day has grown from 23 participating cities in 2009 to 227 in 2011. 

For more information about Extra Mile Day, visit www.ExtraMileAmerica.org. To speak to Shawn Anderson directly at Extra Mile America, call 310-402-4826 or email Shawn@ExtraMileAmerica.org.

A map and list of the participating mayors and cities can be found at http://www.extramileamerica.org/2011-extra-mile-day-cities-states/#XYZ2.

The Extra Mile America Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that encourages positive attitude and action by empowering individuals, organizations, and cities to "go the extra mile."

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The following pictures are available for download:

[Image] www.ExtraMileAmerica.org
[Image] 227 Extra Mile Day Cities
[Image] Shawn Anderson, Founder, Extra Mile America Foundation
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