On 07-11-2011 AB "Lifosa" received not validated Panevezys District Court's Ruling, dtd. 05-11-2011.
Panevezys District Court examined the civil case under the claim of the plaintiffs A. S., L. D. and V. N. on mandatory share buy-up price in closed court hearings against the respondents AB "Mineral and Chemical Company "EuroChem", EuroChem A.M. Limited, the third parties, and on 05-11-2011 adopted a ruling under written procedure, approving a Peace Treaty signed by the parties. The Peace Treaty parties have agreed the price of 53.85 LTL (fifty-three litas and eighty five cents) payable for each AB "Lifosa" share, bought-up during the process of mandatory buy-up of shares.
Other provisions of the Peace Treaty, related to the payment of additional AB "Lifosa" share price portion, will be made public after this court Ruling comes into force.
For more information - Zigmas Ezerskis, Chief Financial Controller, tel.: + 370 347 66262.