Cimber Sterling – changes to the Board of Directors

Announcement no. 43 - 2011/12

14 March 2012


Jørgen Nielsen has given notice to the Chairman of the Board of Cimber Sterling Group A/S that he wants to withdraw from the Board of Directors effective as from 14 March 2012.

Jørgen Nielsen’s wish to withdraw from the Board of Directors must be seen in the light of his new managerial responsibility as Chief Operating Officer, COO in the company (cf. Announcement no 40-2011/12).

Jørgen Nielsen has been a member of the Board of Directors since 1994 and since 30 August 2011 Jørgen Nielsen has represented the minority shareholders on the Board of Directors. As a consequence of Jørgen Nielsen’s withdrawal from the Board of Directors, a new representative for the minority shareholders will be elected at an extraordinary general meeting to be held before the end of April 2011.

The Board of Directors wishes to thank Jørgen Nielsen for his long-serving efforts and contributions to the Company. We look forward to cooperating with Jørgen Nielsen in his new position as COO.


On behalf of the Board of Directors

Gregory Gurtovoy, Chairman



For further information please see attached or contact:

Jan Palmér, President & CEO

Phone: +45 60 29 26 26

