Los Angeles Dentist, Dr. Afar, is Warning Patients of Startling New Connections Between Heart Health and Oral Health

LOS ANGELES, March 26, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Most of those that stick to rigid oral hygiene habits and make regular appointments to their local Los Angeles cosmetic dentist are doing so to maintain a beautiful and healthy smile. While the importance of a smile can never be underestimated, startling new research shows how oral health is tantamount to one's overall wellbeing.  This is why one of the leading dentists in Southern California, Dr. Afar, is now warning patients of the connections between oral health and heart health.

Many of the connections that have been made are streaming from research done by the Mayo Clinic as well as Harvard Medical School's publications.  While the exact connections between oral plaque and bacteria and conditions with the heart and arteries still requires more research, the findings are still startling.  The Harvard Heart Letter explains that dozens of strains of bacteria that are found in the gums of patients with periodontitis are also found in the plaque buildup within one's heart.  Periodontitis is classified as the later stage of gum disease and can lead to severe and irreversible damage to the gums and teeth.

With all this in mind, more locals then ever have been turning to Los Angeles dentist, Dr. Bijan Afar, in order to maintain a safe and healthy smile.  During regular checkups with Dr. Afar, patients are treated to a full line of services that include everything from simple checkups to advanced treatments, such as dental implants.  Wilshire Dental Care also offers their patients a full line of cosmetic and restorative services including simple chairside whitening, Lumineers, Invisalign aligners, and more.

About Dr. Afar, Dentist Los Angeles

After graduating from the prestigious   UCLA School of Dentistry to receive his Doctorate in Dental Surgery, Dr. Bijan Afar has received numerous awards and fellowships including a Dentist-Scientist Fellowship only given out to the top 5 percent of graduating students.  His dental office offers their patients a wide array of treatments ranging from porcelain crowns to full mouth restorations. 

Contact Wilshire Dental Care

Visit http://www.wilshiredentalcare.com or call (310) 775-2979 to learn more about the services provided at this dental office. Wilshire Dental Care is located at 6200 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1508 in Los Angeles, CA 90048.

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