Metro International: Sale of Shares by Metro's Directors and Management

Metro   International   ("Metro"   or   "the   Company"),  the  world's  largest
international  newspaper,  today  announced  that  the  Company's  directors and
management on 29 March 2012 sold shares as a result of the public takeover offer
from Investment AB Kinnevik. See table below for details:

|Name          |Position     |    No of A-|  No of B-|       No of|       No of|
|              |             | shares sold|    shares|    warrants|  debentures|
|              |             |            |      sold|        sold|        sold|
|Mia Brunell   |Chairman of  |      24,580|    24,580|           0|           0|
|Livfors       |the Board    |            |          |            |            |
|Cristina      |Director     |     888,883|    12,290|   2,191,481|   2,191,480|
|Stenbeck      |             |            |          |            |            |
|Nigel Cooper  |Director     |      12,290|    12,290|           0|           0|
|Erik          |Director     |           0|         0|   4,000,000|           0|
|Mitteregger   |             |            |          |            |            |
|Patrick Ståhle|Director     |      39,000|         0|           0|           0|
|Per Mikael    |CEO &        |   1,074,992|   626,688|           0|           0|
|Jensen        |President    |            |          |            |            |
|Anders        |CFO          |           0|   319,056|           0|           0|
|Kronborg      |             |            |          |            |            |
|Pablo Mazzei  |EVP Latin    |     143,644|   143,643|           0|           0|
|              |America      |            |          |            |            |
|Johanna Oberg |EVP          |      90,000|         0|           0|           0|
|              |Commercial   |            |          |            |            |
|Linda Fors    |Head of      |           0|    17,000|           0|           0|
|              |Investor     |            |          |            |            |
|              |Relations    |            |          |            |            |
|Andreas Ohlson|MD Metro     |      70,262|   160,000|     100,000|     100,000|
|              |Sweden       |            |          |            |            |
|Soren Riis    |MD Metro     |      19,692|    19,694|      98,464|      98,464|
|              |Denmark      |            |          |            |            |
|Peter Kuo     |MD Metro Hong|     107,201|   107,201|           0|           0|
|              |Kong         |            |          |            |            |

For further information please visit or contact:
 Anders Kronborg CFO Tel: +44 79 1254 0800


Metro is the largest international newspaper in the world. Metro is published in
over 100 major cities in 22 countries across Europe, North & South America and
Asia. Metro has a unique global reach - attracting a young, active, well-
educated Metropolitan audience of over 17 million daily readers.

Metro International S.A. shares are listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm through
Swedish Depository Receipts of series A and series B under the symbols MTROA and

