FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE January to March 2012 compared with January to March 2011 For the period January to March 2012, operating profit increased by SEK 530 million to SEK 1,944 million (1,414). Net interest income amounted to SEK 1,958 million (1,438), with the branch in Norway accounting for SEK 116 million (105), the branch in Denmark accounting for SEK 23 million (19) and the branch in Finland, established on 1 May 2011, accounting for SEK 48 million (-). Excluding these branches, net interest income thus rose by SEK 457 million, which was due to an increase in lending volume and to improved margins as a result of the company's good position in the funding market. Net gains/losses on financial items at fair value amounted to SEK 56 million (31). Expenses rose by SEK 5 million to SEK 66 million (61), primarily due to increased costs for purchased services from the parent company and IT expenses related to the branch in Finland. Net loan losses amounted to SEK -3 million (10). Before deduction of the provision for probable loan losses, the volume of impaired loans was SEK 112 million (93). Of this amount, non-performing loans accounted for SEK 74 million (45), while SEK 38 million (48) related to loans on which the borrowers pay interest and amortisation, but which are nevertheless considered impaired. There were also non-performing loans of SEK 1,042 million (542) that are not classed as being impaired loans. After deductions for specific provisions totalling SEK -49 million (-36) and collective provisions of SEK -7 million (-6) for probable loan losses, impaired loans totalled SEK 56 million (51). Q1 2012 compared with Q4 2011 Stadshypotek's operating profit for the first quarter of 2012 increased by SEK 303 million to SEK 1,944 million (1,641). Net interest income increased by SEK 244 million to SEK 1,958 million (1,714). SEK 116 million (91) of the net interest income was attributable to the branch in Norway, SEK 23 million (25) to the branch in Denmark and SEK 48 (46) million to the branch in Finland. Excluding these branches, net interest income thus rose by SEK 219 million. Net gains/losses on financial items at fair value amounted to SEK 56 million (23). Expenses decreased by SEK 19 million to SEK 66 million (85), mainly due to a reduction of SEK 17 million in administrative expenses. The reduction was mainly due to the fact that administrative expenses during the fourth quarter were charged with higher expenses for updating existing foreign loan programmes and with the initial expenses associated with setting up loan programmes for covered bonds in Australia and Norway. GROWTH IN LENDING During the period, loans to the public increased by SEK 2 billion (14) to SEK 846 billion. CAPITAL ADEQUACY The capital ratio according to Basel II was 56.8 per cent (49.1) while the Tier 1 ratio calculated according to Basel II was 40.3 per cent (37.7). Further information on capital adequacy is provided in the "Capital base and capital requirement" section on page 15. RATING Stadshypotek's rating remained unchanged during the year, with a stable outlook. Covered Stadshypotek bonds Long-term Short-term ----------------------------------------------------- Moody's Aaa - P-1 Standard & Poor's AA- A-1+ Fitch AA- F1+ Stockholm, 26 April 2012 Per Beckman Chief Executive For more information about Stadshypotek, please go to: [HUG#1606207]
Stadshypotek's interim report January - March 2012
| Quelle: Stadshypotek AB