New Standards Program for Canada's Charitable and Nonprofit Sector

National Accreditation Program is One of the First-of-Its-Kind Globally

TORONTO, May 8, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Imagine Canada launches its new Standards Program today. Designed to strengthen public confidence in the charitable and nonprofit sector, the program is one of the first-of-its-kind globally at a national level. It offers accreditation to charities and nonprofits that can demonstrate excellence in five key areas:

  • board governance;
  • financial accountability and transparency;
  • ethical fundraising;
  • staff management; and,
  • volunteer involvement.

"Now, more than ever before, it is important for charities and nonprofits to keep the hard-earned confidence and trust of the public," says Marcel Lauzière, President and CEO of Imagine Canada. "An organization that has been accredited through this program has demonstrated that it has put in place the policies, procedures and practices to make it a truly effective organization."

The program focuses on foundational standards that are relevant for all charities and nonprofits. It does not include program or service standards that many organizations have already developed in areas specific to their work.

Imagine Canada is pleased to announce the first organizations accredited by the new Standards Program:

Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada
Daily Bread Food Bank
Food Banks Canada
Frontier College
Frontier College Foundation
Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides
Niagara Community Foundation
Plan Canada
Sarnia Lambton Rebound: A Program for Youth
SickKids Foundation
Tides Canada
United Way of Burlington & Greater Hamilton
United Way of Winnipeg
United Way Toronto
Vancouver Foundation
Victoria Foundation
World Vision

These organizations were part of a pilot group that helped to test and validate the accreditation process. Participants reported numerous benefits of going through the process including the opportunity to update critical policies and compare their procedures against leading practices.

Stronger Charities and Nonprofits

Accreditation is only one part of the Program. The Standards Program is equally designed to be a capacity builder by providing resources and opportunities to provide continuous learning and development for all of our country's charities and nonprofits.

Marcel Lauzière further notes, "The information about how to comply with the standards as well as the tools and resources to help organizations continue to strengthen their governance practices is available free-of-charge. Our philosophy is one of open access, so that even if an organization does not wish to go through the formal accreditation process, it can still make full use of the program information to improve its practices in these key areas."

Official Trustmark

Organizations that achieve accreditation will sign a licence agreement allowing them to use the program trustmark for five years. When Canadians see this trustmark on a charity or nonprofit's website or fundraising and promotional materials, they can be confident that the accredited organization has successfully demonstrated compliance with the standards.

Compliance Process

For accredited organizations, compliance with the standards will be monitored via both spot audits and complaints-based investigations. Accredited organizations will have the right to use the Standards Program trustmark as a symbol that they have achieved accreditation.

Imagine Canada wishes to acknowledge the work of the Standards Council, Peer Review Panel and the many sector volunteers that helped shape the program. Further thanks go to our partner organizations Volunteer Canada and the HR Council for the Nonprofit Sector for their contributions to the development of the Standards Program.

The Standards Program is made possible with the financial contributions from founding and presenting sponsor Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life; funded by BMO Financial Group and The Printing House; supported by; and, friends KCI (Ketchum Canada Inc.).

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Imagine Canada is a national charitable organization whose cause is Canada's charities and nonprofits. We strengthen the sector's collective voice, serve as a forum and meeting place, and provide a supportive environment for organizations to build stronger communities.

For further information:

Marnie Grona [English media]
Director, Marketing & Communications
1.800.263.1178 x244 or 416.597.2293 x244

Amanda Mayer [French media]
Imagine Canada - Ottawa
1.800.263.1178 x239 or 416.597.2293 x239
For more information, visit:

The Imagine Canada / Standards Normes logo is available at

The Accredited Imagine Canada / Standards Normes logo is available at

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