VetAdvisor Announces New Services and Platform

VetAdvisor 2.0 Offers Self-Monitoring and Tracking of Outcomes

Falls Church, VA, May 8, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VetAdvisor® has offered proactive preventative care to military veterans since 2007. With the improved features and power of its revamped platform, the company has definitively positioned itself as the nation's expert in combining self-monitoring, evidence-based tracking of outcomes, and increased veteran engagement into one comprehensive care solution.

The VetAdvisor® platform embraces the quantified self paradigm to allow veterans to use their non-clinical, personal fitness and sleep monitoring devices to drive the conversation from the subjective to objective measurement of progress. VetAdvisor® coaches and veterans work together to establish personal plans with concrete steps to reach goals and track progress within the platform, providing a comprehensive solution to veteran engagement that redesigns the care experience to increase positive interactions and foster trust.

"The VetAdvisor® platform will allow our coaches to motivate veterans to get the help they need in their reintegration to civilian life," states Jennifer Roseman-Farabaugh, Vice President of VetAdvisor® Services. "We provide proactive preventative care and support around behavioral health, wellness, careers, and financial issues, allowing federal agencies and private organizations alike to hire, train, and retain a veteran workforce."

The VetAdvisor® coaching platform provides a structured framework for coach-to-veteran engagement. At its core the VetAdvisor® platform is a Veteran Relationship Management product that leverages open, standards-based APIs and services to support personalized navigational advocacy for Veterans. VetAdvisor® supports multi-modal forms of engagement between veteran their coach. From private text chat, to SMS messaging and social media connections, to phone, video conference and 3D virtual worlds, the VetAdvisor® platform provides a structured, data driven engagement environment that meets the unique needs and preferences of each veteran.

The VetAdvisor® advantage is Milestone Velocity™, the quantitative measure of success in proactive preventative care. VetAdvisor® tracks each veteran's Milestone Velocity™ as an objective measurement that enables coaches to gain the insights needed to apply just the right help at the right time and drive better outcomes. The nexus of technologies in the VetAdvisor® platform provides evidence-based tracking of outcomes, driving efficiency and allowing each coach to reach a larger number of veterans. Greater efficiency engenders reduced cost and increased return on investment.

For more information on VetAdvisor® and the VetAdvisor® platform, visit

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About VetAdvisor®:  VetAdvisor® provides proactive preventative care to military veterans, supporting them throughout their journey by managing behavioral health, wellness, financial, and employment issues. The VetAdvisor® interactive platform incorporates personalized goal setting and high-tech biometric and social feedback, coupled with real time high-touch personalized coaching. Our solution drives greater veteran engagement, productivity, and workplace retention. We comprehensively support veterans with complex conditions by fostering a culture of emotional wellness as part of our holistic health strategy. For more information visit

