Genomatica Announces Successful Litigation Defense

All Claims Dropped by Evolugate; No Payments

SAN DIEGO, May 14, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Genomatica announced that all claims relating to the ongoing litigation with Evolugate LLC have been resolved. All claims against Genomatica and Dr. Christophe Schilling have been dismissed with prejudice, meaning Evolugate cannot file any future cases on the same claims, and Genomatica and Dr. Schilling will not pay anything to Evolugate.

Evolugate had filed claims in October 2011 against Genomatica and Dr. Schilling in Florida state court alleging, among others, trade secret misappropriation and breach of contract, and in Federal District Court for the Southern District of California alleging infringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,939,315. On April 30, 2012 Genomatica, Dr. Schilling, Evolugate and its president entered into an agreement settling all present and future disputes between the parties relating to the subject matter of the litigations, with no money or any other form of payment changing hands between the parties. As Evolugate abandoned all of its claims, including its intellectual property claims, no changes whatsoever will be made to any of Genomatica's equipment, procedures or practices as a result of this resolution.

The Florida litigation was dismissed May 3, 2012. The federal litigation was dismissed May 7, 2012.

About Genomatica

Genomatica is a technology leader for the chemical industry. It delivers new manufacturing processes that enable its partners to produce intermediate and basic chemicals from renewable feedstocks. These chemicals serve as the basis for making substantially all of the products that make modern life possible. Genomatica's processes are designed to achieve better economics with enhanced sustainability and a smaller environmental footprint than petroleum-based manufacturing processes. Genomatica is developing a pipeline of manufacturing processes for the production of these chemicals, and expects the first commercial-scale BDO plant that uses its processes to begin production in 2013.

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