Jacksonville Veterinarian Addresses Emergency Care Issues in Pets

JACKSONVILLE, N.C., Aug. 5, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jacksonville pet owners who want to maintain a healthy pet should know how to recognize and deal with emergency situations, according to a veterinarian at Animal Hospital of Onslow County. Dr. Dave Altman points out that not all emergencies advertise the seriousness of the underlying condition, resulting in a lack of prompt action by the owner that can prove tragic. "Pet emergencies assume many forms," says Dr. Altman. "If you own a pet, you must not only know what to look out for, but also where to turn for help."

Some veterinary emergencies have a clear cause. Heatstroke, for example, commonly occurs on arid, summer days and can cause death if untreated. Symptoms include deep red gums, shaking, dizziness, vomiting or diarrhea, panting, seizures and fainting. Dr. Altman urges owners of heat-stricken animals to wrap their pets in cool, wet towels and rush them to the animal hospital for emergency treatment.

Fractures or lacerations sustained in an accident also stand out as emergencies that may require surgical intervention. The veterinarian adds that owners may pick up clues of a possible emergency from the immediate surroundings, saying, "If you had household cleaners, medications, rat poison or any other substances toxic to pets out on a counter and that item has disappeared, your pet may have gotten into it. Many foods that humans enjoy, such as chocolate, also have toxic effects on cats and dogs."

Choking represents an emergency situation that pet owners can sometimes resolve on the spot, either by removing the object from the pet's mouth or by performing a modified Heimlich maneuver, advises Dr. Altman, who adds that you should not try to remove any object yourself if you believe that there is a sharp component attached to it.

Some of the most dramatic signals of a veterinary emergency may have no obvious cause. Pets who suddenly seem disoriented or unable to see properly, or who cannot be awakened from sleep, may be suffering from a serious neurological disorder. Seizures also suggest a neurological emergency. Urinary difficulty or a distended abdomen indicates an internal problem that may need emergency surgery, according to Dr. Altman. "A bloated, hard abdomen could be a sign of a twisted stomach, which can prove fatal unless we treat it quickly." Unexplained bleeding from any orifice may constitute a call for emergency veterinary assistance.

Having recognized a pet emergency, the pet owner must then call his emergency vet clinic for immediate advice and be prepared to drive there. "You should keep the emergency number handy at all times," says Dr. Altman. "Once you arrive we can evaluate the situation and perform surgery or any other treatment necessary to save your pet."

Animal Hospital of Onslow County provides a wide range of services, including vaccinations, wellness care and emergency treatment for Jacksonville pets.

