Hundreds of Cities Go Extra Mile

MARINA DEL REY, Calif., Oct. 30, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hundreds of cities across the United States have stepped forward and declared November 1, 2012, Extra Mile Day. In association with the non-profit, Extra Mile America, mayors on both sides of the political aisle have come together to recognize the capacity we each have to create positive change in our organizations and communities when we go the extra mile.

Extra Mile Day was started in 2009 when best-selling author and motivational speaker Shawn Anderson completed an ocean-to-ocean bike ride to symbolize the power of the "go the extra mile" message. Along the 4,000 mile journey, Anderson, a non-bicyclist, created events in 21 cities and interviewed over 200 people who had been publicly identified as going the extra mile in overcoming setback or who had risked everything in order to accomplish something extraordinary. After the ninety-day tour, Anderson personally gave away $10,000 to those people whose stories he found especially inspiring. In 2009, 23 mayors declared Extra Mile Day. This year, 359 mayors representing all 50 states have made the declaration.

In a time when many are demanding change in opportunity, Extra Mile Day reminds individuals and organizations that we each have the power to create positive change by a personal willingness to do more, work harder and go the extra mile. Greensboro, North Carolina, Mayor Robert Perkins supports the mission: "The City of Greensboro and our nation were founded by men and women who went above and beyond. Extra Mile Day inspire hopes and brings renewed life to the idea that hard work, perseverance and passion still pave the way for success in all of our lives."

"We all talk about wanting change...happiness...more opportunity," says Anderson. "However, relying on others to make that happen is only wishing for life to get better. Taking personal responsibility...and going the extra mile where true success is found. Extra Mile Day is a small reminder of the power we each have to create change at any time...on any day."

Norwalk, Connecticut, Mayor Dick Moccia appreciates the value of the "extra mile" campaign: "Norwalk has a rich history of citizens who have gone the extra mile to help their friends and neighbors. I look forward to Extra Mile Day and celebrating the inspirational effort made by so many to make their organizations and families, our community, our nation and our world a better place."

From the North Pole to Honolulu, from Boston to Los Angeles, mayors in large and small cities are making the November 1st declaration. "At times, life is challenging," Anderson says. "The 'go the extra mile' message, though, gives people an alternative to just throwing their arms in the air and saying 'I give up.' We each have a choice when life gets tough to dig more...try harder...and affect practically every area of our life and communities in a positive way."

For more information about Extra Mile Day, visit To speak to Shawn Anderson directly at Extra Mile America, call 310-402-4826 or email

A map and list of the participating mayors and cities can be found at

The Extra Mile America Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that encourages positive attitude and action by empowering individuals, organizations, and cities to "go the extra mile."

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