ScholarShare Promotes Higher Education With ScholarShare Speaks

ScholarShare Launches Inaugural ScholarShare Speaks Event Featuring Renowned Clinical Psychiatrist Dr. Dan Siegel

SACRAMENTO, CA--(Marketwire - Nov 8, 2012) - ScholarShare, California's 529 college savings plan, launched a new program called ScholarShare Speaks. The inaugural event in October featured internationally recognized child psychiatrist, Dr. Dan Siegel, who shared his insights about child-rearing to parents, grandparents and teachers at the Landmark Theatres in West Los Angeles. The event attracted nearly 200 attendees who listened to Dr. Siegel explore different topics of the mind and brain development.

ScholarShare Speaks expands ScholarShare's service beyond encouraging parents to create a college plan for their children and starting a college savings account. Expert speakers in the program will give parents information they need to help prepare their children beyond just the cost of college.

Siegel, the first in the speaker series, used his expertise on the way the brain develops to provide practical parenting advice that covers health, education and the psychological well-being of children. His insights are contained in his latest book "The Whole-Brain Child," which outlines 12 strategies to nurture children's developing minds. Many parents, already with plans for college, used the evening to ask questions of Dr. Siegel and discuss important topics with one of the most influential minds of child development.

The ScholarShare Speaks series will host additional free events starting in the spring of 2013.

Dr. Dan Siegel is currently a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and the Co-Director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center. He is also the Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute. He has published extensively for the professional audience and serves as the Founding Editor for the Norton Professional Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology, which contains over two dozen textbooks. His latest parenting book, The Whole-Brain Child with Tina Payne Bryson, PhD, explores the application of the mindsight approach to parenting.

To learn more about Dr. Dan Siegel and upcoming ScholarShare Speaks events, visit

About the ScholarShare 529 College Savings Plan:
ScholarShare accounts may be opened with as little as $25 per investment portfolio. ScholarShare has no annual account maintenance fee, no income limit and offers a high maximum contribution limit of $350,000. Established in 1999, ScholarShare currently holds more than $4.5 billion in assets in more than 241,000 accounts as of 9/30/2012. To sign up for an account or for more information about the plan, visit For information about the SIB, visit Like ScholarShare on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at @ScholarShare529.

Named for the section of IRS code under which they were created, 529 plans are highly regarded for their tax-advantaged status. Any earnings on investments can grow tax-deferred. Withdrawals, when used for tuition and other qualified higher education expenses, are federal and state income tax-free.

Consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses before investing in the ScholarShare 529 College Savings Plan. Please visit for a Program Disclosure Booklet containing this and other information. Read it carefully.

Before investing in a 529 plan, you should consider whether the state you or your Beneficiary reside in or have taxable income in has a 529 plan that offers favorable state income tax or other benefits that are only available if you invest in that state's 529 plan.

The tax information contained herein is not intended to be used, and cannot be used, by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties. Taxpayers should seek advice based on their own particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor. Non‐qualified withdrawals may be subject to federal and state taxes and the additional federal 10% tax. Non-qualified withdrawals may also be subject to an additional 2.5% California tax on earnings.

Investments in the Program are neither insured nor guaranteed and there is the risk of investment loss.

The ScholarShare 529 College Savings Plan Twitter and Facebook pages are managed by the state of California.

TIAA‐CREF Tuition Financing, Inc., Program Manager.

