Early repayment of bond loan by a total of DKK 200m

Faaborg, Denmark, 2012-11-27 11:30 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In June 2010 Sparekassen Faaborg obtained two governmental guaranteed bond loans of each DKK 500m, totalling DKK 1b.

The liquidity of Sparekassen Faaborg has developed better than expected in June 2010, the reason why the bank was capable of early repayment of one of the loans of DKK 500m in May 2011 and August 2012.

In August and November 2012 the bank was capable of early repayment of DKK 50m and DKK 100m of the second loan and now the bank is going to repay additional DKK 200m. The out­standing amount of the bond loan to be paid by June 2013 will then be DKK 150m.

ISIN code of the bond loan is DK0030251608.

         CEO Claus Sejling phone no +4563611814
         Deputy CEO Flemming B. Nielsen phone no +4563611809

