HealthLeaders Media Announces One-Day Forum on Building Clinical Integration in Health Systems

Live Event in Partnership With Scott & White Healthcare, Slated for January 8, 2013, Available Either Via Webcast or On-Site in Temple, Texas

DANVERS, Mass., Dec. 6, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HealthLeaders Media, a division of HCPro, Inc., today announced details for a live forum on January 8, 2013, in which healthcare executives can learn how to build more effective clinical integration throughout a health system by implementing a proven physician-led delivery model.

The event will be held in the Sid Richardson Auditorium at Scott & White Healthcare's corporate offices, 2401 S. 31st Street in Temple, Texas, from Noon to 3 p.m. Eastern Time. The program can also be attended virtually from anywhere in the world by logging onto a live simulcast on the Internet.

Scott & White Healthcare, with 12 hospitals and almost 1,500 physicians and researchers, is the largest physician-led integrated delivery system in Texas, serving an area of more than 29,000 square miles. In this exclusive HealthLeaders Media live program, Scott & White leaders will demonstrate how they have built a more accountable and efficient integrated healthcare system that closes gaps in clinical delivery and uses its research programs to drive clinical improvement.

"The major strategic challenges facing health systems today include improving the consistency of care, increasing coordination and reducing cost. Clinical integration of the physician team stands at the intersection of all three," said Jim Molpus, strategic relationships director at HealthLeaders Media. "In our forum, Scott & White physician and executive leaders will share how they have adapted and evolved their integrated, physician-led delivery model to meet today's challenges."

The rate to participate in the forum -- "Building Clinical Integration: Scott & White's Physician-Led Delivery Model," -- is $399 for individual attendees. For more information about the event or to register, please go to

The speakers at the forum include: Patricia Currie, FACHE, Chief of Hospital Services, Scott & White Healthcare; Paul Dieckert, MD, Chief Quality Officer, Scott & White Healthcare; Allan Einboden, CEO, Scott & White Health Plan; Robert Pryor, MD, MBA, President and CEO, Scott & White Healthcare; James Rohack, MD, Medical Director for System Improvement, Scott & White Health Plan; W. Roy Smythe, MD, Medical Director for Innovation, Scott & White Healthcare; and Donald Wesson, MD, Chief Academic Officer, Scott & White Healthcare.

The event is part of a series of HealthLeaders Media Rounds focused on various topics of concern to hospitals and health systems nationwide. Live and virtual attendees will also receive free copies of a recently completed white paper; a preview may be downloaded at

HealthLeaders Media Rounds provide healthcare leaders with access to in-depth insights, analysis and recommendations on specific challenges facing the industry. Using a case study format, Rounds events feature an array of leaders from host facilities who collectively share insights on how they have accomplished a particular initiative. This wide-angle view provides healthcare leaders with the ability to incorporate real-world solutions learned from the event into their own systems.

HealthLeaders Media

HealthLeaders Media, a division of HCPro, Inc., is a leading multi-platform media company dedicated to meeting the business information needs of healthcare executives and professionals. As an integrated media company, HealthLeaders Media includes HealthLeaders magazine,, the HealthLeaders Media Intelligence Unit, HealthLeaders Media Rounds events, HealthLeaders Media Breakthroughs reports, and California HealthFax. All these platforms may be found online at

