Aberdeen Group Publishes Sales Effectiveness and IT Infrastructure Research

Research Addresses Sales Performance Management Best Practices, Business Continuence vs Disaster Recovery, Choosing a Business Continuity Partner

BOSTON, MA--(Marketwire - Jan 10, 2013) - Aberdeen Group, a Harte-Hanks Company (NYSE: HHS), today announced the publication of new research reports from its Service Management, Enterprise Applications, Business Intelligence (BI), and Manufacturing research practices.

The "Motivate, Incent, Compensate, Enable: Sales Performance Management Best Practices" research study by Peter Ostrow, VP/Research Group Director, Sales Effectiveness at the Aberdeen Group, details how leading organizations have been able better manage their sales teams to drive a year-over-year increase of 14.9% in company profit margin, compared to 3.6% increase for all others. Top performing companies face down today's challenging sales environment with common strategies and technology practices that allow them to do more with less. For example, 84% of top companies have a structured process by which their sales managers give feedback to reps, compared to only 47% of low performing firms. To obtain a complimentary copy of the report made available in part by the following underwriters: Varicent/IBM, Anaplan visit: http://www.aberdeen.com/link/sponsor.asp?spid=30410182&cid=7934&camp=2.

"Lessons from Sandy: Business Continuance vs. Disaster Recovery and Why Organizations Need Both," one of two reports authored this month by Robert Bready, Research Analyst for the Aberdeen IT Infrastructure research practice. This report reveals the plans and procedures that Best-In-Class organizations adopt for continued business operations and recovery in case of a disaster. Business Continuance plans, processes, and technologies are put in place to allow a company to carry on operations during a natural or man-made crisis, including terrorism. Disaster Recovery is what is done when BC and High Availability plans did not work or were never put in place. Companies need to do both to ensure business viability. To obtain a complimentary copy of this report visit: http://www.aberdeen.com/Aberdeen-Library/8310/AI-disaster-recovery-downtime.aspx.

Next from Bready, "Steps to Take Before Choosing a Business Continuity Partner" provides detailed steps that all organizations need to take in order to choose a business continuity partner. One of the steps walks the reader through the exact formula for determining cost per hour of downtime, an extremely useful tool. To obtain a complimentary copy of this report visit: http://www.aberdeen.com/Aberdeen-Library/8309/AI-business-continuity-partner.aspx.

About Aberdeen Group, a Harte-Hanks Company

Aberdeen Group, a Harte-Hanks Company (NYSE: HHS), is a global, full-service, multi-channel marketing services firm with deep expertise in developing research-based technology marketing content. Enabled by its team of 40 analysts covering 16 industry-sector categories, Aberdeen provides B2B marketers with relevant content assets available in multiple formats that target each stage of the customer buying cycle.

Aberdeen has offices in Boston and London. Harte-Hanks operates 25 offices in the United States, and has locations throughout Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Latin America.

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