Beverly Hills Periodontist, Dr. Sam Markzar, Warns about the Link between Periodontal Disease and Diabetes

Dr. Sam Markzar, Beverly Hills periodontist, warns patients about the link between gum disease and diabetes.

Beverly Hills, CA, March 5, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Recent studies have shown a strong correlation between diabetes and periodontal disease.  Dr. Sam Markzar, Beverly Hills periodontist, warns patients who have diabetes and those with periodontal disease to be aware of the relationship between the two conditions. Those with a family history of diabetes or who have suffered bouts of periodontal disease in the past should be aware of the correlation as well.

Over the past 50 years, numerous studies have shown that diabetes and periodontal disease are related. Patients with diabetes are more likely to suffer from gingivitis and periodontitis, and those with periodontal disease may be more likely to develop diabetes down the road. Currently, medical researchers are not sure what causes the relationship, but current theories suggest that the inflammation is the key component that is common to both conditions. Dr. Markzar, Beverly Hills dental implants dentist, can help reduce the inflammation that is characteristic of periodontal disease.

Although more research needs to be conducted to find out how the two conditions influence one another, some studies indicate that among patients who have both conditions, treating the periodontal disease may improve the patient's diabetic condition and vice versa. As a result, patients with diabetes need to take special care of their oral hygiene and receive regular dental checkups and cleanings to help safeguard against periodontal disease. Similarly, patients who suffer from periodontal disease should have their blood sugar checked to ensure that they are not at risk for diabetes.

About Dr. Markzar, Dental Implants Dentist Beverly Hills

Dr. Sam Markzar Los Angeles dental implants specialist regularly treats patients with periodontal disease. He graduated from the University of Southern California with his Doctorate in Dental Surgery and Oral Medicine. He later went on to complete advanced courses in Advanced Periodontology, Oral Implantology, and Oral Medicine.

Dr. Markzar, Los Angeles periodontist, believes that routine dental and medical checkups are essential for patients who suffer from one or both of these conditions. Those who are diabetic or who suffer from periodontal disease should contact Dr. Markzar's office, Beverly Hills Periodontal Arts and Implants, to schedule an appointment. Early treatment and frequent checkups are the key for improving both periodontal disease and diabetes.

