ASCP Spring Conference to Imagine the Future of Pharmacy Practice

Conference Will Provide Pharmacists With Innovative Business Education and Clinical Updates to Enhance Their Practices and Improve the Care of Older Adults

ALEXANDRIA, Va., March 12, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) Spring Conference + Exhibition, to be held May 14–17, 2013 in Orlando, Florida, will gather consultant pharmacists and other interdisciplinary healthcare professionals looking to improve care for older adults and grow their businesses.

As the older adult population continues to grow, the role of the consultant pharmacist is changing and adapting to new environments. Consultant pharmacists are now defined by what they do, rather than where they practice, and by their common commitment to enhance the quality of care for all older persons.
While the Affordable Care Act, Medicare Part D, and other national and state-based health care challenges continue to alter the landscape, ASCP's Conference, Imagining the Future of Pharmacy Practice, will look forward to a brighter future for older adults and medication management.  Our Spring Conference theme embodies ASCP's vision of optimal medication management and improved health outcomes for all older persons.
ASCP's Spring Conference lineup includes keynote presentations from Disney Institute on brand loyalty and a business case for being creative.  The meeting's business track features workshops on business planning and funding, building a successful clinical practice, and pay for performance models of care.  Additional educational sessions will tackle key issues facing the future of pharmacy practice, including medical marijuana, medical waste disposal, Medicare Part-D STAR ratings, and family caregiving.
For further information on ASCP's Spring Conference, contact ASCP staff or visit
About the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP)

The American Society of Consultant Pharmacists is the only international professional society devoted to optimal medication management and improved health outcomes for all older persons. ASCP's members manage and improve drug therapy and improve the quality of life of geriatric patients and other individuals residing in a variety of environments, including nursing facilities, sub-acute care and assisted living facilities, psychiatric hospitals, hospice programs, and home and community-based care.

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