Press release from the Annual General Meeting of Cision AB (publ) on April 9, 2013

Today, Tuesday April 9, 2013, Cision AB (publ) (the "Company”) held its annual
general meeting for the financial year 2012, where the following principal
resolutions were adopted.

For more detailed information on the resolutions, please refer to the press
release disclosed on March 8, 2013 and the complete notice to attend the annual
general meeting. The notice to attend the annual general meeting and the
complete proposals regarding the decisions below are available at the Company's

Adoption of income statement and balance sheet
The annual general meeting adopted the income statement and the balance sheet
and the consolidated income statement and the consolidated balance sheet for the
financial year 2012.

Allocation of the Company's earnings
The annual general meeting decided, in accordance with the board of directors'
proposal, that a dividend of SEK 2 per share shall be paid to the shareholders
and that the remaining amount shall be carried forward into new account. The
dividend is expected to be distributed to the shareholders by Euroclear Sweden
AB on April 17, 2013.

The board of directors
The annual general meeting decided to discharge each of the directors of the
board and the Chief Executive Officer (the "CEO") from liability for the
financial year 2012.

The annual general meeting decided that the board of directors shall consist of
seven directors, without any deputy directors.

Hans-Erik Andersson, Alf Blomqvist, Rikard Steiber and Scott Raskin were re
-elected and Catharina Stackelberg-Hammarén, Thomas Tarnowski and Peter Granat
were newly elected as directors of the board for the period until the end of the
annual general meeting held in 2014. Hans-Erik Andersson was elected as chairman
of the board.

Remuneration to the board of directors, the auditors and for committee-work
The annual general meeting decided, in accordance with the proposal of the
nomination committee, that the remuneration to the board of directors shall
unchanged be SEK 2,000,000, to be allocated in accordance with the following:
SEK 750,000 per year to the chairman and SEK 250,000 per year to each director
who is not employed by the Company. Furthermore, the annual general meeting
decided, in accordance with the nomination committee's proposal, that the
remuneration to the members of the audit committee shall be unchanged SEK
300,000 per year in total, of which SEK 200,000 shall be paid to the chairman of
the audit committee, and that the remuneration to the members in the
compensation committee shall be unchanged SEK 150,000 per year in total, of
which SEK 100,000 shall be paid to the chairman of the compensation committee.

The annual general meeting also resolved, in accordance with the proposal of the
nomination committee, that the fees to the auditor should be paid in accordance
with invoice approved by the Company.

The auditor
The auditing company KPMG AB was elected as auditor of the Company for the
period until the end of the 2014 annual general meeting. Auditor-in-charge will
be Helene Willberg.

Guidelines for salary and other remuneration to the Company's CEO and other
senior executives
The annual general meeting approved the guidelines proposed by the board of
directors for salary and other remuneration to the Company's CEO and other
senior executives of the Company, including a short term incentive plan (STI

Long term share-related incentive program
The annual general meeting decided to adopt a long term share-related incentive
program ("LTI 2013") proposed by the board of directors. The purpose of LTI 2013
is to incentivise the senior executives and key employees of the Company to act
in order to achieve the Company's long term goal and create shareholder value.
No more than 18 senior executives and key employees will be offered to
participate in LTI 2013. The principal meaning of LTI 2013 is that an amount
corresponding to no more than 50 per cent of any bonus earned pursuant to STI
2013 will, in addition to the cash bonus paid under STI 2013, be paid out in the
form of shares in the Company (the "Performance Shares"). The aggregate number
of Performance Shares so payable shall not exceed a number corresponding to one
per cent of the total number of shares in the Company, adjusted for bonus share
issues, share splits, preferential rights issues and similar measures (the
"Maximum Number").

Provided that applicable performance criteria are met, bonus under LTI 2013 will
be determined in early 2014, provided further that the participant is still
employed by the Company (or any company within the Company's group) on the date
of such determination, and that the participant has not given or received notice
of termination on such date. The Performance Shares under LTI 2013 will be
distributed after the annual general meeting 2016 of the Company, however no
earlier than on the date which is three years from the date of the participant's
entering into an agreement governing LTI 2013. Distribution will only, subject
to certain exemptions, be made if the participant remains employed with the
Company as per the day of distribution of Performance Shares.

The costs for LTI 2013 are estimated to SEK 5.7 million in the event of no
change in the trading price of the Company's shares and SEK 6.1 million in the
event of a doubled trading price of the Company's shares, as per the date of
delivery of the Performance Shares, compared to the current trading price of the
Company's shares as per the last trading day before the date of publication of
the notice to the annual general meeting. These cost estimates are based on the
assumption that own shares are acquired in order to secure the delivery of
Performance Shares, in accordance with the below.

Acquisition and transfer of treasury shares

The annual general meeting decided to authorise the board of directors to
resolve upon the acquisition of own shares in order to make possible the
distribution of Performance Shares in accordance with LTI 2013 and to secure for
future cash flow effects due to payments of social security costs related
thereto. The decision mainly entails the following:

  · The authorisation may be used on one or more occasions, however before the
2014 annual general meeting.
  · No more than a number of shares corresponding to the sum of (i) the Maximum
Number (as defined above) and (ii) an additional number of shares corresponding
to 10.5 per cent of the Maximum Number may be acquired in order to make possible
the distribution of Performance Shares to the participants in accordance with
LTI 2013 and to secure for future cash flow effects related thereto.
  · Acquisitions shall be made on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm at a price within the at
each time registered share price interval, being the interval between the
highest buying price and the lowest selling price.
  · Shares acquired to secure for future cash flow effects due to payments of
social security costs relating to LTI 2013 shall remain with the Company until
it is resolved by the general meeting of the Company to sell said shares.

In order to distribute Performance Shares to participants in accordance with LTI
2013, the annual general meeting resolved on the transfer of own shares mainly
as follows. The maximum number of shares which may be transferred corresponds to
such number of shares which the board of directors may acquire in accordance
with the above authorisation. Shares may be so transferred no later than June
30, 2016.

A complete description of the decided guidelines for salary and other
remuneration to the Company's President and other senior executives and LTI 2013
are available at

Nomination committee
The annual general meeting decided, in accordance with the nomination
committee's proposal, that the nomination committee shall consist of four
members representing the shareholders in the Company as well as the chairman of
the board, in total five members, and that the procedure presented in the
nomination committee's proposal shall be applied in respect of the nomination
committee for the annual general meeting 2014.

Authorisation for acquisitions of own shares
The annual general meeting decided, in accordance with the board of directors'
proposal, to authorise the board of directors to, on one or several occasions,
for the period until the 2014 annual general meeting resolve on acquisitions of
the Company' own shares. The purpose of the acquisitions of the Company's own
shares is to offer the board of directors greater flexibility in order to adapt
the Company's capital structure and thereby contribute to increased shareholder
value. The Company's acquisitions of own shares may only be made to the extent
that the Company's holding of own shares after the acquisition does not exceed
one-tenth of all shares in the Company. Acquisitions of own shares shall be made
on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm and may only be made within the, at each time,
applicable range of prices between the highest buying price and the lowest
selling price at NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.

Constituent board meeting
The constituent board meeting, following the annual general meeting, appointed
Scott Raskin and Thomas Tarnowski as members of the compensation committee and
Alf Blomqvist and Hans-Erik Andersson as members of the audit committee.

For further information please contact:

Peter Granat, CEO and President
Tosh Bruce-Morgan, CFO
Telephone +46 (0)8 507 410 11, e-mail:

Cision AB (publ)
P.O. Box 24194
SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden
Corp Identity No. SE556027951401
Telephone: 46 (0)8 507 410 00

The information provided herein is such that Cision AB (publ) is obligated to
disclose pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act (SFS 2007:528) and/or
the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (SFS 1991:980). The information
was submitted for publication at 19:15 CET on April 9, 2013.

