"eWork continued its positive progress in the first quarter of the year, on a fairly poor market. Net sales and operating profit increased, albeit at a lower rate than the previous year. The interest in long-term, large-scale undertakings remains high", comments Claes Ruthberg, President and CEO. First quarter 2013 compared with 2012 • Net sales rose by 9.7 percent to SEK 954.2 million (869.9). • Operating profit increased by 6.5 percent to SEK 14.8 million (13.9). • Order intake was SEK 922.1 million (1,023.0), down by 9.9 percent. • Profit after tax per share was SEK 0.69 (0.62). • The market was more hesitant than previously in the first quarter. The primary explanation for order intake decreasing is that the number of takeover and specific selection contracts decreased year on year. However, interest in this type of contract remains high. • A significant number of new framework agreements were signed in the period, on accounts including Fortum teknik, utility Dong in Denmark and three framework agreements for technology consultants in Finland. For further information please contact: Claes Ruthberg, CEO 46-70-3746475, E-mail: claes.ruthberg@ework.se Magnus Eriksson, CFO, 46 733 82 84 80, E-mail: magnus.eriksson@ework.se eWork Scandinavia AB is a complete consulting provider with over 3,000 consultants on assignment within the fields of IT, telecoms, technology, and business development. eWork provides an objective selection of specialists from the largest consultant network on the market, which brings clients better pricing, quality and time efficiency. eWork has framework agreements with more than 130 clients among the Nordic region’s leading companies active in most sectors. The Company’s share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.
Interim Report January - March 2013
| Quelle: eWork Group AB