Continued margin improvement

January – March 2013
Loomis’ operating income (EBITA)¹ for the first quarter of 2013 amounted to SEK
218 million (212), of which exchange rate effects accounted for SEK –6 million.
The operating margin increased to 8.0 percent compared with 7.5 percent in the
first quarter of 2012.

The Group’s revenue amounted to SEK 2,706 million (2,822). Organic growth was –2
percent (3) while real growth was –1 percent (9).

Income before taxes amounted to SEK 234 million (190) and income after taxes was
SEK 165 million (133).

Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 57 million (58), equivalent
to 26 percent (27) of operating income (EBITA).

Earnings per share was SEK 2.24 (1.82) before dilution and SEK 2.19 (1.76) after

“Even though growth was weak, we are presenting strong results for both Europe
and the USA. The earnings growth, which was stronger in the USA than in Europe,
is mainly due to insistent efficiency improvements which resulted in better
profitability at many of our branches. Meanwhile, the proportion of revenue from
cash management services (CMS) continues to grow. During the first quarter a
major restructuring of operations in the UK began and is expected to have
positive results in time. The restructuring costs for the quarter were balanced
by a positive non-recurring item relating to a change in pension plans in the
UK” Lars Blecko comments in the interim report.

Lars Blecko also stated that the company had won a number of customer contracts
during the quarter and after it had ended. In France, the first contract was
signed for Loomis SafePoint®whereby the customer’s cash is deposited into the
customer’s bank account the moment the bank notes are deposited in Loomis’
SafePoint®equipment at the customer´s premises. Also a strategically very
important contract was signed with one of the major banks in the USA. This
assignment, which will begin over the next few months, involves Loomis assuming
responsibility for cash management at four locations, including two of the
bank’s biggest units in Houston and San Diego. The assignment will open doors
for more similar assignments with this and other banks.

“The development in the first quarter of 2013 has strengthened my conviction
that we will reach our goal of an operating margin of 10 percent by 2014, at the
latest” Lars Blecko concluded.

¹Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Amortization of acquisition-related intangible
fixed assets, Acquisition-related costs and revenue and Items affecting


Lars Blecko
President and CEO
Mobile phone: +46 70 641 49 10

Loomis offers safe and effective comprehensive solutions for the distribution,
handling and recycling of cash for banks, retailers and other commercial
companies via an international network consisting of almost 400 branch offices
in 16 countries. Loomis has 20 000 employees and annual revenue of 11 billion
Swedish kronor. Loomis is a midcap listed company on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.

Loomis AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Swedish
Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The
information was submitted for publication at 3.00 p.m. (CEST) on May 6th 2013.


05066053.pdf 20130506 PR Q1 2013_en.pdf