Telefonica and Cisco Complete 4,000 Kilometer 100Gbps IPoDWDM Trial

Submarine and Terrestrial Applications Tested Using Cisco nLight Coherent Technology With CRS Carrier Routing System

SAN JOSE, CA--(Marketwired - May 16, 2013) - Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) and Telefonica Global Solutions have successfully completed a long-distance 100 gigabits per second (Gbps) technology trial intended to increase available bandwidth, simplify network operations, reduce capital expenses, and help user in a new generation of consumer and business services.

Telefonica and Cisco completed the Internet protocol over wavelength-division multiplexing (IPoDWDM) trial using integrated coherent 100 Gbps optical interfaces in the Cisco® CRS Carrier Routing System (CRS) to prepare Telefonica's network for growth and services. IPoDWDM is an advanced technology that enables high-speed Internet services over existing DWDM networks, thereby eliminating the need for network upgrades and accelerating the introduction of new higher-speed, Internet services.

With the explosive growth of IP traffic driven by video, mobile and cloud services and business applications, service providers are looking for ways to increase network capacity while also increasing network availability and reliability to deliver Next Generation Internet experiences. The recently completed trial used Cisco's CRS core router generating a standards-compliant 100 Gbps "alien wavelength" directly into Telefonica's existing submarine network between Boca Raton, FL., in the USA and Puerto Rico. The total distance was a record-setting 4,000 kilometers (nearly 2,500 miles). The underwater round trip span consisted of DWDM transport systems from multiple vendors -- the longest such IPoDWDM test ever completed. Additional shorter tests using only terrestrial fibers were also successful.

Integrating the DWDM components into the router eliminates the need for a costly external transponder. Furthermore, Cisco's nLight™ coherent technology eliminates the need for additional dispersion compensation units and electrical and optical regeneration equipment that cannot be added to an existing submarine cable links. This helps further reduce capital and operational expenses.

IPoDWDM helps service providers to increase operational efficiencies and realize significant cost savings in power and real estate through equipment reduction while deploying an eco-friendly solution that helps reduce the network carbon footprint.

Supporting quotes:
Alejandro Martínez, VP of Telefonica Global Solutions, Global Network and Platforms:
"As a global company with a network spanning Europe, the Americas and Asia we're committed to leading the world in high-speed infrastructure that will ultimately give our customers more choice, flexibility and innovation. Using advanced IPoDWDM technology with our existing DWDM investment ensures that Telefonica can cost-effectively scale our network."

Bill Gartner, vice president and general manager, High-End Routing and Optical business Unit, Cisco:
"Integrating long-haul transport interfaces such as coherent 100Gbps IPoDWDM into routers lowers capital expenses while helping to ensure that bandwidth demands on service provider core networks can easily be met. Proving that our nLight™ silicon works to 4,000 kilometers shows that IPoDWDM is ready to be deployed on many of the world's submarine and terrestrial links."

Supporting Resources:

Cisco, Telefonica, Visual Networking Index Forecast, VNI, Carrier Routing System, CRS-3, IP over DWDM, elastic core, nLight

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About Telefonica Global Solutions
Telefonica Global Solutions
manages globally the multinational, wholesale and roaming business within the Telefonica Group. Global Solutions delivers integrated fixed, mobile and IT services to some of the world's top multinationals and corporations. It also provides global telecommunication services for fixed and mobile carriers, ISPs and content providers. Telefonica Global Solutions develops an integrated and competitive portfolio for carriers and corporations that include international voice, IP, bandwidth capacity, satellite services, mobility and global solutions, with service reach in more than 170 countries. Global Solutions is a multicultural organisation, with more than 1400 employees, working in over 40 countries and speaking more than 15 languages.

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