As per 31 May 2013 the total number of shares in Bure Equity AB (publ) amounts
to 81 101 985, of which Bure itself holds 1 150 864 shares. The share capital
amounts to SEK 535 306 872.13.
At the beginning of the month the total number of shares in the company amounted
to 81 357 241, of which Bure itself held 360 256 shares. The share capital
amounted to SEK 535 306 872.13.

Pursuant to decision of the Annual General Meeting on 22 April 2013, Bure has
cancelled all the repurchased shares through which the share capital has been
reduced by SEK 1 679 509.89 through the cancellation of 255 256 shares. A bonus
issue for SEK 1 679 509.89 was also carried out in order to restore the share
capital. The share capital reduction and bonus issue were registered by the
Swedish Companies Registration Office on 15 May 2013.

This information constitutes the public disclosure of a change in the number of
shares in accordance with Chapter 4, § 9, paragraph one, of the Financial
Instruments Trading Act (1991:980).

Bure Equity AB (publ)

For more information contact:
Henrik Blomquist, CEO
Tel.+46 8 – 614 00 20

Bure is a listed investment company with ownership interests in Nordic
companies. The current holdings consist ofseven portfolio companies, of which
four are listed.

The information contained herein is subject to the disclosure requirements of
Bure Equity AB under the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information has been
publicly communicated on 3 June 2013, 08:30 CET

