Pathway Innovations and Technologies, Inc. Officially Releases the HoverCam Air Station

SAN DIEGO, June 17, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wirelessly accessing a HoverCam document camera is now possible with Air Station I from Pathway Innovations and Technology, Inc. The Air Station I makes the HoverCam a wireless document camera. This means the document camera is no longer tethered to a computer by cable.

The ability to move around the room is especially of interest to teachers. The HoverCam can now be brought to a student's desk to display his or her work for the class. The battery life of the Air Station I is up to 4 hours, which is enough time for any educational or business application. This makes the already portable HoverCam even more portable.

John Miewald, Marketing Manager for Pathway Innovations and Technologies, Inc. says, "The Air Station I was never properly introduced to the public. We recently improved the technology and want to re-release this powerful HoverCam device for the masses to use." The Air Station I is lightweight, small, and can accompany any HoverCam document camera anywhere you go.

The Air Station I has a range of around 30 feet, which allows someone to wirelessly access his or her document camera from anywhere in the room. No software is required to use the Air Station I; it is simply a plug-n-play device with perfect out-of-the-box functionality. You do not need to set anything up; you just need to plug the HoverCam document camera in and go.

For additional information on the HoverCam, please visit:

Pathway Innovations and Technologies, Inc. is a document camera manufacturing company located in San Diego, CA. Pathway is an industry leader in hardware and software manufacturing for educational technology. HoverCam is a subsidiary of Pathway Innovations and Technologies and owns the rights to the software and hardware that Pathway produces.

