Santa Clara Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Alan Frame, Offers Veneers for Smile Restorations

Alan Frame, DDS, cosmetic dentist in Santa Clara, offers different types of veneers for smile restorations.

Santa Clara, CA, June 18, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Alan Frame, Santa Clara dentist, offers patients veneers as a solution for smile restorations. Veneers are an affordable yet highly effective alternative to many more drastic cosmetic dental treatments.

Veneers are thin shells made from porcelain or ceramic that cover the fronts of the teeth. Because the veneers are custom made for the patient's teeth, they fit exactly over their teeth, creating a natural look. Veneers can be used to cover a variety of cosmetic dental problems, including poorly spaced teeth, irregularly shaped teeth, unusually small teeth, worn teeth, and teeth that are badly stained or discolored.

The process for placing veneers is straightforward and it usually only requires two office visits. First, Dr. Frame, Santa Clara porcelain veneers expert, removes a small amount of enamel from the fronts of the teeth. Then, he makes a cast of the teeth. Dr. Frame sends the cast to a laboratory where the technicians create a custom set of veneers designed to fit precisely over the patient's teeth. Finally, once the veneers arrive back at Dr. Frame's office, he checks them for fit and then adheres them to the fronts of the teeth using a special dental bond. Once the veneers are in place, they can last up to ten years before they need to be replaced.

In addition to veneers, Dr. Frame, Santa Clara Invisalign provider, also offers a number of other cosmetic dental procedures designed to improve the look of a patient's smile. He fits patients with Invisalign aligners to help straighten their teeth, places dental implants to replace lost teeth, fits patients with dental brides, places crowns over damaged teeth, and performs teeth whitening procedures. 

About Alan Frame, DDS, Expert in Teeth Whitening Santa Clara

Dr. Frame began his career as a Santa Clara dentist in 1996 when he graduated from the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry. The following year, he completed a general practice residency at UCLA. Since that time, Dr. Frame has been proud to practice cosmetic and general dentistry in his hometown of Santa Clara.

Call today to schedule a consultation for veneers with Dr. Frame. Dr. Frame and his warm, helpful staff are pleased to meet new patients and to help restore their smiles. 

