Buford Pet Emergency Care Treats Heat Stroke and Summer Pet Emergencies

BUFORD, Ga., June 23, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hamilton Ridge Animal Hospital in Buford, Georgia is warning pet owners about the dangers of summer veterinary emergencies. According to Buford veterinarian Dr. Rachel Rodriguez, heat stroke and snakebites are two of the most common summer pet emergencies. Dr. Rodriguez and the Buford animal hospital team are working to raise awareness about the dangers of common summer emergencies and educate pet owners about the importance of proactive care. According to Dr. Rodriquez, the risk for many summer emergencies can be reduces with proactive pet care. The animal hospital provides pain management and pet emergency care.

Summer's warm weather brings an increase in outdoor activity for pets and their owners, as well as an increase for summer health emergencies. From heat stroke to snakebite, Buford veterinarian Dr. Rachel Rodriguez is working to educate pet owners about the best ways to prevent these common summer vet emergencies.

"As part of our vet hospital's commitment to pet junior and senior wellness care, our veterinary team works closely with pet owners to reduce the risk for health emergencies," said Dr. Rodriguez. "Heat stroke is one of the most common – and preventable – summer pet emergencies."

To prevent heat stroke in pets, the Buford veterinarian is reminding pet owners to avoid midday exercise and ensure pets have reliable access to cool, fresh water. Early morning and evening are optimal times for exercising pets.

"Daily exercises are essential for pet junior and senior wellness care," said Dr. Rodriguez. "However, since dogs cannot sweat, it is easy for them to become over-exerted and need emergency medical care. Even a game of fetch in the middle of the day can simply be too much for some pets."

Pet owners should also never leave pets in parked cars during summer months. The temperature inside parked cars can quickly reach over 100 degrees in less than 15 minutes – even on cooler days.

"On an 85-degree day, the temperature inside a parked car can spike over 100 degrees during the time it takes to run a short errand," said Dr. Rodriguez.

The warning signs of heat stroke include heavy panting, difficulty breathing, and a bright red tongue. In severe cases, pets may collapse, suffer seizures or slip into a coma. Prompt pet emergency care is necessary to prevent death.

Prompt emergency care is also necessary for snakebites, as antivenin is not effective when administered within the first hours following the bite. Pain management medication will also relieve a pet's pain.

"Most snakes bite dogs on the face, since dogs are sniffing or otherwise disturbing the snake," said Dr. Rodriguez. "Facial bites are extremely serious, as swelling can impair a pet's ability to breathe."

In addition to treating summer pet emergencies and providing pain management, Buford animal hospital provides junior and senior wellness care.

