Meltwater Toasts Growth Year With Opening of New Corporate Headquarters in San Francisco

Company Increases Hiring In Many Offices Worldwide

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF., June 27, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Meltwater, the leading provider of online intelligence solutions, today celebrates the first half of a banner year with the grand opening of its new world headquarters in San Francisco, California. Brought on by the capacity needs to accommodate its expanding headcount, the company has relocated to the historic Standard Oil building located at 225 Bush St. operated by Flynn Properties, Inc. With more than 1300 new clients brought on in Q1 2013 and hiring planned in many of Meltwater's 57 offices worldwide, the company is poised to fulfill a record growth year.

The new headquarters, filling the 10th floor of the historic building, increases headcount capacity from the previous location, leaving room for expected growth. The company partnered with Design Blitz to create a clean, contemporary office that combines classic, Scandinavian modern design with cutting-edge, San Francisco tech industry style. Borrowing from Meltwater's name, the thematic design references the transformation of ice and snow to water, a symbol of renewal and change. Design Blitz created an environment modeled after Norway's Glåma River, which flows past many different topographies and ecospheres. Similarly, the new office features a main circulation path that runs through the office and all of the departmental zones.

"With the opening of the new Meltwater global headquarters at 225 San Francisco, we celebrate the success we have enjoyed as a company since our humble 2001 beginning in Oslo; starting with two guys, a coffee machine, and $15,000 US dollars. We are now the global leader for online news and social media analytics, serving more than 20,000 businesses from more than 90 countries," says Jorn Lyseggen, Meltwater CEO and Founder. "Thank you to all of you, employees and clients, that believed in this unknown, little Norwegian start-up when we had no track record. Thank you for your support and hard work over many years. With your help and support I am confident that the next 12 years will be equally successful as we take the step into big data analytics of free, unstructured data on the Internet."

To meet the needs of growing markets, the company is planning the addition of new offices and departments worldwide. To serve the Texas market, Meltwater is expanding its presence in Austin, Texas with the addition of new Customer Satisfaction and Customer Growth departments. Vancouver, Brussels and Perth will also see the addition of Customer Acquisition teams.

Meltwater is hiring for positions in Customer Satisfaction, Customer Acquisition, and Customer Growth in offices worldwide. Open positions can be viewed on the Meltwater website, their LinkedIn profile and through local market offices (see for a list of offices worldwide).

The company toasted their new building on Friday, June 21 with a party for employees, their families and special guests including the Norwegian Consul General of San Francisco. The evening began with an opening address by Lyseggen, included music, dancing, libations and the unveiling of a mural by local artist Jonathan Matas.

About Meltwater

Meltwater helps businesses drive growth and build brands. Meltwater's online intelligence platform analyzes billions of digital documents daily to extract precise, timely business insights that help more than 20,000 companies understand their markets, engage their customers, and master the new social business environment. With offices in 27 countries, Meltwater is dedicated to personal, global service built on local expertise.



