BE Group Q2 – continued positive signs

  · Net sales decreased by 14 percent compared with the preceding year and
amounted to SEK 1,089 M (1,273). Shipped tonnage decreased by 7 percent.
  · The operating result amounted to SEK 5 M (21) and the underlying operating
result to SEK 8 M (16).
  · During the quarter BE Group signed an agreement regarding divestment of the
Group’s subsidiary in China. The divestment will be completed during the month
of July. The sales price is approximately SEK 10 M and entails a small capital

The President and CEO of BE Group, Kimmo Väkiparta, comments on the report for
the second quarter of 2013:

“The trend from the first quarter, with slightly improving demand continued in
the second quarter, even though the improvement continues to be slow. In the
Swedish operations, we saw a shift towards an increased proportion of sales to
the OEM segment, as a consequence of increased sales of production services. In
general, the steel price trend remains weakly negative although, for BE Group,
the weakening is modest compared with the first quarter, thanks to the increased
proportion of production services.

Our long-term and conscious process to generate cost reductions and strengthen
margins contributed positively to the results for the period. In terms of
margins, it is primarily the basic operations in Sweden that have developed

Disregarding the seasonal summer decline, we expect a continued slight
improvement in demand. Over the upcoming quarter, sales prices are, however,
expected to fall somewhat as a result of lower steel prices. At the same time,
cost reductions and continued efficiency improvements are strengthening our

Please address any questions to:

Kimmo Väkiparta, President and CEO
tel.: +46 (0)705 972 342    e-mail:

Torbjörn Clementz, CFO and Executive Vice President
tel.: +46 (0)708 690 788     e-mail:

Today, at 09:00 a.m. CET, Kimmo Väkiparta and Torbjörn Clementz will comment on
development at a conference with market analysts and the press. The conference
may be followed via webcast or by phone (see information below).
If you wish to participate via webcast and/or ask questions at the press
conference, please copy and paste the following link into your web browser to
register online. Please be certain to copy the full link.

The following telephone number can be used to participate in the presentation:
Sweden:  +46 (0)8 506 307 79
UK:   +44 (0)844 571 89 57
US:   +1 866 682 8490

BE Group, listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm exchange, is a trading and service
company in steel and other metals. BE Group provides various forms of service
for steel, stainless steel and aluminium applications to customers primarily in
the construction and engineering sectors. In 2012, the Group reported sales of
SEK 4.6 Bn. BE Group has more than 850 employees, with Sweden and Finland as its
largest markets. The head office is located in Malmö, Sweden. Read more about BE
Group at


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