Max Jonson new CFO in Bure

Max Jonson has been appointed new CFO in Bure Equity AB as of 1 October 2013.

Max has until now held the position as CFO at IFL, Stockholm School of
Economics. Previously Max has worked as CFO for Orasolv and DPNova as well as
worked within corporate finance at SEB Enskilda and Kaupthing Bank.

Bure Equity AB (publ)

För more information, please contact:
Henrik Blomquist, CEO
Tel. +46 8 – 614 00 20

Bure is a listed investment company with ownership interests in Nordic
companies. The current holdings consist of eight portfolio companies, of which
five are listed.

The information contained herein is subject to the disclosure requirements of
Bure Equity AB under the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information has been
publicly communicated on 5 september 2013, 8:30 pm CET.

