Heart Attack Victims Need Fast Emergency Care, Quick Communication with Family and Friends

Study shows the need for improved emergency response times, Medlert is doing that and more to improve process

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 10, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GPS information when calling from a mobile phone during an emergency may not be available to dispatchers according to a recent study by CalNENA. Callers are not always able to provide those details over the phone to dispatchers, resulting in the potential for delayed medical care. Medlert, the fastest way to get personalized medical attention in an emergency, has solved that problem for all mobile phone users and is leveraging technology to solve another, fast communication with family and friends during an emergency.

The Medlert mobile phone application, released in May 2013 for both Android and the iPhone, is already in use by over 22,000 people and has managed more than 6,000 emergency situations. In addition to providing an accurate location of where the medical emergency is taking place, family and friends of the user are immediately notified that an emergency may be happening. This level of care and awareness is unique to Medlert and provides a piece of mind to users and their family.

"Providing the family with updated information can't be a priority for emergency responders," said David Emanuel, Medlert CEO and co-founder. "It shouldn't be, they are focused on saving a life. Medlert let's the emergency contacts know that an emergency is taking place and the status along the way, including what hospital the person is being transported to, so that responders can focus on providing quality care."

Users with the Medlert mobile app installed on their phones are not the only ones to benefit from this technology. In the event of an emergency, a text message and email alert are sent to emergency contacts with a link to follow the status of the user. They are able to track the progress of their family member and know exactly where they are and where they are going. 

"We are able to use GPS to not only make sure responders are able to get to the right location but make sure family can do the same," continued Emanuel. "In addition to providing the piece of mind that users will get fast medical attention, we help make sure they see their family and friends as soon as possible following an emergency."

For more information about Medlert or to register, please visit www.medlert.com.

About Medlert

Medlert is the fastest way to get personalized medical attention in an emergency. With one touch, Medlert provides high quality customized medical care by connecting you with a trained emergency operator with access to your medical history. Medlert also shares that information with first responders and alerts family members and friends so they know that an emergency is taking place. Founded in 2012, Medlert has managed over 6,000 medical emergencies across the US. For more information or to sign up for this service to protect yourself and your family please visit www.medlert.com.

