Cure Stress With Allergy Immunotherapy

Part 3 in a Quality of Life Series by Chicago allergist, Brian Rotskoff, MD

Chicago, IL, Sept. 30, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- My allergies are making me crazy! According to researchers, that may actually be true. Dr. Brian Rotskoff of Clarity Allergy Center in Chicago continues to explore how allergic rhinitis (hay fever) impacts patients' quality of life. For many adults, allergies, anxiety, and stress are intricately woven and can significantly impair productivity, wellness, and overall happiness.

Dr. Rotskoff works with his Chicago allergy sufferers to design custom allergy immunotherapy for permanent relief from environmental allergies and pet allergies. He offers tailored programs like cluster immunotherapy and at-home allergy drops to fit the jammed-packed schedules of his adult patients. Over time, his patients see significant quality of life improvements as he helps rid them of debilitating allergy symptoms, chronic cough, and sinus headaches.

"Allergies hinder our ability to function and that makes people anxious," empathizes Dr. Rotskoff. "Not feeling well day in and day out - and not finding effective remedies - is highly stressful for my patients."

Do allergies cause stress?

The question seems indisputable. Allergy sufferers can certainly attest to the stressful nature of chronic allergy symptoms. Congestion, sneezing, and itchy eyes are a drain on daily functioning and nighttime sleep. While anxiety as a physical reaction to stress may not be fully understood, studies repeatedly show a connection.

In an Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience summary, authors compared 23 different allergy, anxiety, and mood disorder studies. Almost all demonstrated a higher risk of anxiety disorders and mood syndromes, such as depression, among individuals with allergies. The prevalence was staggering; as many as 97 percent of allergy sufferers experienced some type of depressive syndrome and almost all reported a link between allergy symptoms and anxiety syndromes.

Does stress cause allergies?

Researchers at Ohio State University explored this notion by putting participants through stress-inducing situations, such as public speaking, before exposing them to skin prick allergens. Those moderately to highly anxious had a 50-75 percent stronger response to the allergy tests. For many, the allergic reaction worsened the following day.

"Rarely is stress an isolated event," said Dr. Rotskoff. "We're seeing patients living normally stressful lives with allergic responses to the environment that are much worse and last much longer. This begs the need for a more permanent solution like allergy immunotherapy."

Allergy immunotherapy reduces stress

Could partnering with a skilled allergy immunotherapy expert like Dr. Rotsoff be the ticket to stress-free living? A 2012 study in Germany confirmed the relationships between allergies and anxiety and mood disorders. They then found that patients treated for physician-diagnosed allergies were significant less likely to experience mood and anxiety symptoms.

"We can't overlook the impact of allergies on quality of life. Allergies are not a nuisance, they are life-altering syndromes that, when accurately diagnosed and treated, can be overcome," concluded Dr. Rotskoff.

