Digitech Wins Product Innovation Award

PCR Lens Quality Improvement Tool Honored

BRIARCLIFF MANOR, N.Y., Dec. 2, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EMS World magazine, a publication of Cygnus Business Media and voice for the EMS community, has named PCR Lens from Digitech the winner of a 2013 Product Innovations Award. EMS World's Top Innovation Award Program recognizes companies that have produced new and original products to serve EMS providers, enhance pre-hospital patient care, or deliver better solutions to meet new requirements and emerging market needs. PCR Lens, included with Digitech's EMS billing service, is a tool for EMS administrators and leaders that provides a means to measure and improve field data collection.

EMS providers find themselves increasingly challenged to capture patient information, document procedures and medications, and write accurate narratives that will support reimbursement and compliance. As private and government insurance providers have become more stringent in their requirements for the documentation of patient care during ambulance transports, the need to deliver complete and accurate patient care reports has become more and more important.

"PCR Lens aggregates the pre-hospital data from each run as it comes across through the Patient Care Report application and puts it into an interactive user interface," states Walt Pickett II, SVP of Implementation and Support for Digitech. "PCR Lens can then display the data in a variety of user-defined views, making it easy for EMS leaders to zero in on problems, push training and re-education to where it's needed, and identify high performance individuals and crews."

"We are pleased that Cygnus has honored our efforts to create a product that serves the Quality Improvement needs of EMS providers" says Mark Schiowitz, Digitech's CEO and President, "at the same time it helps improve collections for EMS Billing claims. Better data translates into better collections, and that's a win-win situation."

"Product Innovation Awards for software have been rare, because most innovations in EMS come in the form of tools and delivery systems for patient care," said Nancy Perry, Executive Editor for EMS World, "but Digitech's PCR Lens fills a need that will continue to increase in importance as agencies institute more quality controls in response to tighter regulation of billing for emergency transports."

About Digitech Computer, Inc.

Digitech Computer, Inc. has been providing EMS billing software and services to the medical transportation industry since 1984. Digitech's highly trained EMS billing services team relieves the end-user of day-to-day ambulance billing responsibilities, giving service providers more freedom to run their businesses. The Digitech team includes veterans of the ambulance industry, technical experts, software developers, and billing service professionals. Digitech offers a rich blend of proprietary software technology and EMS billing services combined with a flexible approach that adapts products to suit the unique needs of its clients.

