Wynne continues wind folly with new Ontario energy plan

Province needs change, not blame says advocacy group

TORONTO, Dec. 2, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ontario's new Long Term Energy Plan released by Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli today has no real change, and maintains the same targets for wind power development, just a longer time frame. That's bad news for ratepayers and taxpayers affected by higher electricity rates as a result of the province's push for "green" power.

"Ontario never did a cost-benefit analysis for wind power, but now we know what the costs are," said Wind Concerns Ontario president Jane Wilson. "Very little power produced, power produced out of phase with demand, and few of the thousands of jobs promised. At the same time, the costs are skyrocketing electricity rates, plummeting property values, and absolute tyranny through industrialization of Ontario's rural communities with huge wind power plants."

Wilson noted that the Energy Minister's response to criticism about electricity rates is to produce a new website that featured a tutorial on how consumers can better use electricity.

"That was pure insult," she said, "especially to rural residents forced to pay horrendous delivery charges for power, and who are already doing all they can to conserve while the government continues with policies that drive up costs.

"We need change, not blame."

Wind Concerns Ontario also notes that though municipalities and citizens throughout the province demanded a stronger role in siting wind power generation projects, the government hasn't budged.

Wind Concerns Ontario policy calls for no new Feed In Tariff or subsidy contracts for wind, cancellation of the contracts where construction has not yet begun, and compensation for people who have lost value in their properties neighbouring wind power projects, or whose health has been affected.

Jane Wilson, President, Wind Concerns Ontario
WCO.president@gmail.com 613-489-3591 613-725-7120
Parker Gallant parker.gallant@gmail.com 416-282-9372
FACTS about wind power in Ontario

  • Currently 3,700 Megawatts of wind power under contract but not yet connected to the grid: could mean another $1 billion per year to Ontario costs or $250 to average ratepayer's bill annually
  • Over 6,700 huge industrial wind turbines are already built or are proposed for Ontario
  • 76 Ontario communities have declared themselves "Not A Willing Host" to wind power projects

Wind Concerns Ontario is a coalition of individuals and community groups concerned about the negative impacts on health, environment and the economy from industrial-scale wind power generation projects.

