On amendments to basic documents of „Citadele Eastern European Fixed Income Funds” investment fund managed by “Citadele Asset Management” IPAS and to key investor information

Citadele Asset Management” IPAS (hereinafter – Company) hereby informs that in accordance with Directive 2009/65/EC of July 13, 2009 on the coordination of regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS), the Company has made the necessary amendments to the prospectuses and funds rules of the investment fund “Citadele Eastern European Fixed Income Funds”  which is an investment fund with 2 sub-funds:Citadele Eastern European Bond Fund - USD, Citadele Eastern European Bond Fund - EUR”, as well as has replaced the short prospectuses with key investor information (KII), which is prepared for each sub-fund.

The key investor information contains important information on the sub-funds, including the objectives and investment policy, charges, past performance information and the description of risk and reward profile that is necessary for investors to understand the major aspects of the investment fund and to be able to make reasonable decisions about the proposed investment.

The amendments to the prospectus and management rules of “Citadele Eastern European Fixed Income Funds” investment fund as well as the KII of the sub-funds became effective on December 12, 2013.