Zeuterin(TM) No Surgery Sterilization at SPCA of Central Florida

Free for 100 Male Dogs

ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 4, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In celebration of the 20th anniversary of World Spay Day, the SPCA of Central Florida announced today that it will provide Zeuterin™ injections for 100 male dogs free of charge at its Orlando and Sanford veterinary clinics. Zeuterin™ is a safe and virtually painless alternative to surgical castration to sterilize male dogs, preventing homeless puppies from being born. Zeuterin™ injections are offered on an out-patient basis but an appointment is required. The SPCA of Central Florida's Orlando clinic is located at 2727 Conroy Road, Orlando, FL 32839 (407) 351-7722 and its Sanford clinic is located at 2800 County Home Road, Sanford, FL 32773 (407) 323-8685.

Zeuterin™ is the first and only FDA approved injectable product for sterilizing male dogs aged three months and up. The Zeuterin™ solution is gently injected into each of the dog's two testes with a fine (28 gauge) needle. The procedure takes approximately five minutes and does not require the use of general anesthesia. Patients benefit from mild sedation prior to the injection procedure. Following administration, sterilization is essentially 100% (99.6%) effective, permanent and irreversible. Dogs sterilized with Zeuterin™ are identified with a permanent "Z" tattoo.

Recognized for its innovative and 'best practice' approaches to ending dog and cat overpopulation, the veterinary medical and animal protection policy teams at the SPCA of Central Florida have carefully reviewed the use and effects of Zeuterin™. "Having an injection available to sterilize male dogs, as opposed to traditional surgery, is truly revolutionary," says Dr. Rebecca Rhoades, Medical Director of SPCA of Central Florida. "There is no anesthesia with Zeuterin™ and dogs can go home right after the injections. Increased efficiencies also allow us to sterilize many more male dogs with this procedure." 

According to Kerri Burns, CEO of the SPCA of Central Florida, "preventing homeless dogs and cats from being born is a critical part of our mission. For those pet owners who are not going to sterilize their male dogs with neutering surgery, we hope that Zeuterin™ injections will be an alternative. Also, administering the injections does not require a surgery suite or specialized equipment, so we can take Zeuterin™ injections into the field."

World Spay Day is an annual campaign of The HSUS and Humane Society International that shines a spotlight on spay/neuter to save the lives of companion animals, feral cats, and street dogs who might otherwise be put down in a shelter or killed on the street. The SPCA of Central Florida is participating in World Spay Day with the launch of Zeuterin™ and offering the procedure free of charge to 100 dogs. The cost for Zeutering™ dogs after the introductory offer is $50 per dog, regardless of size. A veterinarian exam is required for all dogs to determine the acceptability of the animal as a candidate for Zeuterin™ injections.

Ark Charities is supporting the launch of Zeuterin™ by providing the hands-on training in product administration for the veterinary staff at SPCA of Central Florida and with Zeuterin™ product donations. The SPCA of Central Florida will be one of three training centers in the United States where veterinarians can receive training and certification in best practice usage of this new technology.

About SPCA of Central Florida

Founded in 1937, more than 14,000 homeless dogs and cats will turn to the SPCA of Central Florida for caring, compassion and hope through our animal shelters this year. Our highly-skilled veterinarians will help and heal an additional 45,000 animals in our veterinary clinics. Providing shelter for animals in crisis, disaster response efforts, and "Meals on Wheels" for dogs and cats in need helps thousands more animals each year. Our programs are supported entirely by donations from the communities that we serve and we receive no funding from national organizations. For more information about the SPCA of Central Florida visit www.orlandopets.org.

About Ark Charities

Ark Charities, Inc., a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit, was established in July 2012 as a New York corporation. Its mission is to enhance the quality of life for animals and humanity through compassionate, scientific and education action. For more information, visit www.arkcharities.org.

