Nolato’s best year yet

In today’s year-end report, Nolato is reporting a 17 per cent increase in sales
to 4,522 MSEK (3,874) for the financial year 2013. Operating profit (EBITA) rose
by as much as 41 per cent to 427 MSEK (303) and earnings per share rose to 11.94
SEK (7.68). Cash flow after investments was strong and totalled 362 MSEK (317),
excluding acquisitions and disposals. The Board proposes a dividend of 8.00 SEK
(6.00), of which 4.00 SEK (2.50) constitutes an extra dividend as a result of
the group’s strong financial position.
“In recent years we have focused on creating a balanced group structure with
three business areas, which we have achieved along with continuous enhancement
of our profitability. Amongst other things, this strategic direction has led to
a series of successful acquisitions at Nolato Medical, which is currently
responsible for around 30 per cent of group turnover,” said Nolato’s President
and CEO Hans Porat.

Nolato’s business model is based on close, long-term and innovative
collaboration that creates added value both for customers and shareholders. The
work has made the 2013 financial year the best to date in Nolato’s history, with
sales of just over 4,5 billion SEK and an operating margin (EBITA) of 9.4 per

“A good level of profitability has been, and remains, our highest priority,
which means we are constantly seeking to implement improvements in the areas of
efficiency and productivity. In addition, we have dedicated considerable
resources to developing skills in the group in respect of project management and
technical development, including learning from each other, so that we are the
natural choice for our customers both now and in the future,” said Nolato’s
President and CEO Hans Porat.

At the turn of the year, the equity/assets ratio stood at 52 per cent (44) and
net financial assets at 122 MSEK (–113).

“Thanks to our strong cashflow in recent years, and notwithstanding the
acquisitions we have made, our financial position is very good and we are
therefore in a position to finance new acquisitions while maintaining the
ability to pay dividends,” said Nolato’s President and CEO Hans Porat.

The Annual General Meeting will be held in Grevie, Sweden on 28 April at 4 pm.
The Board proposes a dividend of 8.00 SEK (6.00) of which 4.00 (2.50)
constitutes an extra dividend as a result of the group’s strong financial

For further information, please contact:
Hans Porat, President and CEO, +46 (0)705 517550
Per-Ola Holmström, CFO, +46 (0)705 763340

Nolato is a high-tech developer and manufacturer of polymer products for leading
customers in medical technology, telecommunications, hygiene, automotive and
other selected industrial sectors. Its B shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX
Stockholm, where Nolato is a Mid Cap company in the Industrials sector.

The information is such which Nolato AB is obliged to disclose under the Swedish
Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. This
information was made public on 4 February 2014 at 2.30 pm.

