How Social Media Reinvents Making Money Online

Social media is changing. It's now a way to make money. By Lenin Nair

IRVINE, CA, Feb. 5, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The first ever idea of making money online came with Google Adsense more than a decade ago; Adsense is the prolific ad-revenue-sharing service from Google. When Adsense came, a bunch of websites started implementing it to make money online. A few of them survived and went on to become the top blogs in the web today. Others turned out to be MFA (Made for Adsense) sites with thin content and poor user experience. These sites eventually disappeared as a result of Google's actions against web spam. Money making online is a distinct area today with several possible means.

Social media's growth is one of things that revolutionized how we use our computers today. With prolific expansion across mobile platforms, social networks connect, inform, and entertain us. Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter have changed the way ordinary people influence the Internet. Naturally, it has become clear that social media can now be used as a source of partial income from the web. How is this possible? You will find out in this article.

Social Media Influence

Social media has an enormous influence today. A look at the statistics can astound you. Facebook has nearly 1.31 billion active monthly users. Mobile Facebook user base has grown to 680 million. On an average a user spends about 18 minutes on Facebook on each visit. In case of Twitter, total active users are about 645 million with over 58 million tweets daily. The social media mostly influences the youth (18 - 24 years). Over 98 percent of people in 18 - 24 age range use social media worldwide.

Since social media is so large, there is ample potential in it for moneymaking. If you have a social media profile with a large number of friends, it should be very easy for you to monetize your profile. For instance, you can recommend your products and services to your friends on Facebook and make a few easy sales. It is free marketing. The case with Twitter and Google+ is no different.

In case of companies, LinkedIn is the network to use. Many professional companies out there find clients through specific LinkedIn groups and communities. Since it is a professional network, LinkedIn also caters to the jobseekers who can build an extensive resume through it.

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Sqeeqee for Monetization

When it comes to monetizing your influence with your friends, a service that you can rely on is Sqeeqee (pronounced Squeaky). Sqeeqee came up with the idea of moneymaking through social media and calls its unique approach "social networthing." Ecommerce is an industry worth over 500 billion dollars with Amazon, eBay, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, etc., leading it. Linking social media influence and ecommerce can be enormously profitable.

Sqeeqee is a social network created with the specific aim of monetizing social interactions. As soon as you sign up on this service, you get your own online shop, where you can put up your products for sale. The PayPal-verified shop of a Sqeeqee user can contain any products that the user wants to sell. Also, these products are indexed by Sqeeqee search so that they can be found with a general search on the site. This special feature is primarily targeted at small businesses operating locally without an online presence. Setting up an ecommerce website with a storefront can be costly and tricky. This is the reason why the Sqeeqee shop can be useful. All sales of below five dollars can be done without any fee. Above five dollars, the user incurs a fee of 99 cents.

There are other ways of monetizing your influence on Sqeeqee. One is crowd-funding your new projects. Similar to Kickstarter, Sqeeqee offers a way to submit your project and get it crowd-funded. Also, you can back other people's projects through the Shark Bank feature of Sqeeqee.

There are seven different ways in which Sqeeqee can be used to make money online. Ad revenue sharing is one way in which a user can make money. The advertisements are all targeted toward small business owners who operate locally. Local advertisements on newspapers and magazines can be cheap and profitable for small businesses. In the same way, a small business can improve its sales by advertising in a local person's Sqeeqee profile or a local community in order to get the best advertising rates possible. Sqeeqee shares 50 percent of the revenue from these ads with the user.

Sqeeqee also offers a way to sell the mobile apps you develop. Seventy percent of the revenue you generate from your app sales is credited to you. In addition, Sqeeqee helps you promote your products or services for a fee through its "What's Sqeeqee-ing" section. This is a stream of trending topics within the network.

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Leveraging Your Social Media Presence

As you can see social media can be quite a moneymaker, depending on how can you leverage it. You may have a large Facebook account with thousands of users. You may also have a Twitter profile followed by a huge number of people. But have you managed to make any money from them? Most people look at social media as a place to be friendly and to like and share what their friends post. It can be more than that.

Imagine you have a local shop. If you have a huge number of local people in your friend list, why not create a page for your shop and try to promote your products online? This can be essentially the same thing as Sqeeqee online shop. You can create posts based on your offers, new products, special promotions, etc.

If you are working for a company, you may want to use social media to bring more business into your company. If your company does not have a social media presence, you can take it up as a responsibility and create one for your company. If you are successful in bringing more business, you may be rewarded well.

In the same way, virtually all kinds of local and global businesses (small, medium, and large) can benefit from social media. You see thousands of people liking and following large corporations. Social media can significantly increase a company's brand value.

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People have always looked at social media as a place to be friendly rather than make money. Today, that idea is changing. Social media can be leveraged to your advantage in several new ways. You may be able to come up with creative ways to earn money from social media.

