NAAF Is There to Help Children Discriminated Because of Alopecia Areata

SAN RAFAEL, Calif., March 26, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF) works with children with alopecia areata and their families who encounter problems with their schools around just treatment of students who need to wear hats or choose to go bald because of this autoimmune skin disease or other diseases like cancer. NAAF just became aware that a Grand Junction, Colorado charter school barred a nine-year-old girl from school for shaving her head in support of a friend who is battling cancer. Caprock Academy said the haircut violated school dress code, and had asked the girl not to return to school until her hair grew back. Following the controversy caused by its policy and the girl's mother taking to Facebook, the school has since given permission for the girl to return to school. Although the school has reversed its decision due to the negative publicity this story has generated, incidents such as this shows how much misunderstanding still exists concerning children without hair due to any number of medical reasons, including alopecia areata. We applaud the courage of the girl who stood by her friend, and her mother for helping this story go viral. NAAF continues to increase awareness of alopecia areata to avoid these injustices from happening.  The more awareness we can provide, the less problems there will be with school administrators, bullying, and discrimination.

NAAF urges anyone interested in learning more about alopecia areata and the state of research towards treatment and a cure to visit our website at
Alopecia (AL-OH-PEE-SHA) areata (AIR-EE-AH-TAH) is the most common autoimmune disease that may result in total or partial loss of scalp and body hair.  Affecting over 6.5 million Americans, and 145 million people worldwide, alopecia areata currently has no cure, and no treatment that is approved by the Food and Drug Administration.  It occurs in both sexes and all races and ages, but young people are affected most often.  Alopecia areata usually starts with one or more small, round patches on the scalp.  In some people, the disease can affect hair on the scalp until all of it is lost (alopecia totalis), or over the entire body, including the eyebrows and eyelashes (alopecia universalis). It is an emotionally devastating and life altering disease.

NAAF, headquartered in San Rafael, CA, fundraises for research to find a cure or acceptable treatment for alopecia areata, supports those with the disease, and educates the public about alopecia areata.  NAAF is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and has a prestigious Scientific Advisory Council.  Founded in 1981, NAAF is widely regarded as the largest, most influential, and most representative foundation associated with alopecia areata, the place for reliable and accurate information.

To learn more about alopecia areata, please contact the National Alopecia Areata Foundation office at 415-472-3780 in San Rafael, CA or visit the NAAF website at

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