USPTO Grants Composition of Matter Patent to Protelica on Library of Over 25 Billion Antibody Mimics

HAYWARD, Calif., April 2, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Protelica, Inc. a Bay Area-based innovator in the field of protein engineering and evolution, has just been granted a pivotal composition of matter patent on its bioinformatic-based library of 25 billion protein based compounds (U.S. Patent No. 8,680,019 Issued March 25, 2014). This novel library provides an important source of antibody mimics for the development of new protein-based drugs. The Protelica library includes over 25 billion unique fibronectin-based sequences, called Pronectins, which can be easily screened against targets of biotherapeutic and clinical diagnostic significance. In fact, Protelica has already discovered 6 families of high affinity binders directed towards a number of diverse targets found in cancer, angiogenesis, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, infectious diseases, and stem cell differentiation.

"Protelica's novel library design is a clear advance over previous approaches to the development of antibody mimic libraries," said Dr. David Liston, Protelica's Director of Protein Engineering. "Our approach is guided by the natural diversity found in human fibronectin domains. In a sense we recreate and accelerate the evolutionary process in the lab, resulting in libraries that are superior, highly focused and enriched for structurally stable, functional variants with minimal or no immunogenic proprieties," he added.

"This is the third and most important Patent we have been granted by the USPTO on our core platform of antibody mimics," states Dr. Roberto Crea, Protelica's CEO and Founder. "Our Corporate partners can now rely upon novel, optimized protein antagonists, which enjoy strong IP protection whether they are used as therapeutics and/or diagnostics."

Although many companies have large libraries of antibodies and antibody mimics, the Protelica library is quite unique. Some of the highlights include:

  • The issued patent covers the actual library design and in such a fashion that all the molecules within the library carry composition of matter protection. Protelica has identified the conserved amino acids that are essential to stabilize the structural diversity built into the 3 variable binding loops. The library emulates and expands upon the diversity evolved by nature over millions of years.
  • The entire library was developed with the utilization of a fully human scaffold, thereby mitigating the potential risk of immunogenicity.
  • By employing panning techniques, one can screen the entire library against any target, or multiple targets, in just a matter of weeks. R&D timelines are quite rapid and cost efficient. In fact, every compound in the Protelica clinical pipeline originated from this library.
  • Even though the U.S. Supreme court no longer allows patents on wild type sequences, it does allow improved protein analogs to be patented. Protelica has already received a composition of matter patent on a family of antibody mimics targeted at vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VGFR2) , which is now part of its biotherapeutic pipeline. This latest patent validates the notion that any protein isolated from the Protelica library, can be patent protected.
  • No reach through royalties. Protelica is the sole owner of the library.

"Protelica's business model for commercializing the library is to work closely with industry partners to uncover new high affinity antibody mimics directed towards targets of clinical and diagnostic significance," says Mike Honeysett, Protelica's Chief Business Officer. "Protelica seeks to out-license the library to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies working on proprietary clinical targets. Protelica will provide all technical support for comprehensive library screening, which will facilitate the expedient adoption, use, and application of the library against any new targets."

About Protelica

Protelica, Inc. is a biotech company founded in 2006 by Dr. Roberto Crea as result of a spin off from BioRen, Inc. a company he sold to Pfizer in 2005. Protelica has developed a number of proprietary DNA Mutagenesis techniques that are applied to protein engineering and optimization. The Company has established a number of R&D relationships with companies in the biotech and Pharma field and has received a Phase I and II from the National Science Foundation for its platform technology for the development of Antibody Mimics based upon the Fibronectin Module 14 human scaffold. The Company has laboratory operations in Hayward, Northern California.

Protelica Forward-looking Statements

Certain statements in this news release may be forward-looking. These statements relate to future events or the future economic performance of Protelica, and reflect the current assumptions and expectations of management. Certain unknown factors may affect the events, economic performance and results of operations described herein. Protelica undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable law.

