The General Meeting of Shareholders of PC "Lithuanian shipping company "

Klaipeda, Lithuania, 2014-04-02 15:08 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The   General  Meeting of  Sharesholders  of PC „Lithuanian shipping company” (company code 110865039, registered office at Malunininku str. 3, Lt-92264, Klaipeda), will take place on April  25, 2014, at 14.00 in Klaipeda. The meeting will be held at Vites primary school assembly hall , Svyturio str. 2, Klaipeda. Registration of the participants from 12.00 till 13.30.

  Agenda of the  General Meeting of Shareholders:

  1. Regarding Annual report of the Company for the year  2013
  2. Regarding Independent Auditors resoliutions.
  3. Appropval of the financial statements for the year 2013.
  4. Regarding for the profit (loss) distribution for the year 2013
  5. Regarding the restoration of ratio of equity and share capital..

The General Meeting of Shareholders  has been called on the initiative of Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Lithuania - the manager of controlling block of shares and by the resolution of PC „Lithuanian shipping company“  Board meeting held on

2014-03-31, minutes No.2 of the Board meeting.

The account date of the  General Meeting of Shareholders: the 17th of April, 2014. Shareholders, that own PC „Lithuanian shipping company“ shares on the end of the working day of 17th of  April, 2014, shall have the right to participate in convened  General Meeting.

 Property rights shall be held by persons who will be PC “ Lithuanian shipping company ” shareholders at the end of the tenth working day after the  General shareholders  meeting having adopted the respective decision. The rights  accounting day is 12 May, 2014.

The purpose of the reducion of the Company’s share capital – to eliminate the losses recorded in the balance sheet of the Company.

 The way of the reduction of Company’s share capital – cancelation of the Company’s shares.

  Shareholders who participate in the  General Meeting of Shareholders must submit an identity document. Please be informed that each shareholder may authorize either a natural or a legal person to participate and to vote on the shareholder's behalf at the  General Shareholders Meeting. The authorized persons must have documents, confirming their personal identity and power of attorney, approved in the manner, specified by law. The authorized persons at the General Meeting of Shareholders shall have the same rights as represented shareholder. Shareholder's right to attend the  General Meeting of  Shareholders also includes the right to ask.

 Please be informed that the agenda of the  General Meeting of Shareholders may be supplemented by initiative of shareholders, who own shares no less than 1/20 of all votes. Proposals to the agenda of the  General Meeting of Shareholders may be submitted by e-mail    or delivered to the Company's registered office at Malunininku str. 3, Klaipeda no later than the 11th of  April, 2014. Along with a proposal to supplement the agenda of the   General Meeting of Shareholders must be submitted the drafts of proposed decisions or, if the decisions shall not be adopted, explanations on each of the proposed issue.

 Please be informed that shareholders, who own shares no less than 1/20 of all votes own the right at  any time before  the  General Meeting  of  Shareholders or during the meeting in writing or by e-mail propose new draft decisions on the issues already included or to be included in the agenda of the  General Shareholders Meeting. This proposal should be filled in writing and delivered to the Company by registered mail, or in person address Malunininku str.3, Klaipeda. The proposal, submitted during the   General Meeting of Shareholders, must be filled in writing and delivered to the secretary of the   General Meeting of  Shareholders.

 Shareholders own the right to ask the questions, concerning the agenda of the  General Meeting of Shareholders, held on the 25 of  April, 2014.  Questions may be submitted by e-mail   or delivered directly to the Company's registered office at Malunininku str. 3, Klaipeda not later than 22 of April, 2014. Please be informed, that the Company may refuse to answer to shareholder's questions if they are concerned to the commercial (industrial) secrets or other confidential information, informing the shareholder on the refusal to provide asked information, except if it is not possible to set the shareholder's identity.

Please be informed, that on decisions which are included into the  General Meeting of Shareholders agenda can be voted in writing by completing the general voting bulletin. If shareholder requests, the Company shall send the general voting bulletin to the requesting shareholder by registered mail or shall deliver it in person against signature no later than 10 days prior to the  General Meeting of Shareholders free of charge. The filled general voting bulletin must be signed by the shareholder or its authorized representative. Document, confirming the right to vote, must be added to the general voting bulletin, if authorized person is voting. The duly completed general voting bulletin must be delivered to the Company by registered mail address Malunininku str. 3, Klaipeda, or in person against signature, no later than before the commencement of registration for the  General Meeting of Shareholders. The Company reserves the right not to include in the shareholder vote, if the general voting bulletin does not meet the third and fourth parts of the 30 Article of Law on Companies requirements or the general voting bulletin is written in a way that it is impossible to establish shareholder‘s will on a separate issue.

 The shareholders at the  General Meeting can't participate and vote by electronic means.

Documents, concerning the agenda of the  General Meeting of Shareholders, the drafts of decisions of each agenda question, documents to be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders, and other information, related to Shareholders rights, shareholders can access in the company's office during working hours ( 313 room).

 More information about the   General Meeting of Shareholders of  PC „Lithuanian shipping company“ (the draft decisions of the  General Meeting of Shareholders, etc.) also his notice, can be found on the web page of the company


 Arvydas  Stropus

Chief Accountant

(370 46) 393126