Outsourced Chief Investment Officers (OCIO) Industry Sees Steady Growth

Hirtle Callaghan Executive Joins Industry Veterans to Discuss OCIO Trends

PHILADELPHIA, April 7, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO) movement is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing industries. In 2014 alone, the OCIO business is expected to increase by 54 percent.

Corporate defined benefit plans, endowments, foundations and family offices are increasingly seeking firms to assume discretionary oversight over some, or all, of their portfolios where they hadn't before.

A pioneer of the OCIO model, Hirtle Callaghan has more than 25 years of experience in the industry. The firm's Director in the Investment Management Division, Nicole Wellmann Kraus, CFA, will be discussing industry trends and the outlook for 2014 on a panel with Women in Investing Network of Philadelphia.

The discussion will include industry veterans along with the perspective of a foundation that has made the transition to the OCIO model.

The Outsourced Chief Investment Officer Panel Discussion will take place on Thursday, April 10, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Haverford Trust (Three Radnor Corporate Center, Suite 450, Radnor, PA, 19087).

About Hirtle Callaghan

Hirtle Callaghan (www.hirtlecallaghan.com) pioneered open investment architecture and the professional outsourced CIO in 1988. 

With $23 billion under direct supervision (discretion) and recognition as one of the world's Top 20 Wealth Managers, Hirtle Callaghan has become one of the investment industry's leading change-agents. Known as "Wall Street idealists" and "cutting-edge fiduciaries" for combining performance intensity with a genuine fiduciary ethos, Hirtle Callaghan represents serious investors by managing complete, globally diversified, valuation dominant, open-architecture investment programs emphasizing the significance of capital-allocation and risk management at every step of the process.


