Strong growth and continued margin improvement

January – March 2014
Loomis’ operating income (EBITA) 1) for the first quarter of 2014 amounted to
SEK 242 million (218). The operating margin increased to 8.4 percent compared
with 8.0 percent in the first quarter of 2013.

The Group’s revenue amounted to SEK 2,877 million (2,706) and organic growth was
4 percent (–2) for the first quarter 2014. Organic growth was 3 percent (–3) in
Europe and 5 percent (0) in the USA.

Income before taxes amounted to SEK 210 million (234) and income after taxes was
SEK 151 million (165).

Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 11 million (57), equivalent
to 5 percent (26) of operating income (EBITA).

Earnings per share was SEK 2.00 (2.24) before dilution and SEK 2.00 (2.19) after

“The improved operating margin is mainly attributable to an increase in the
proportion of cash management services, successful implementation of the
contracts that were signed in 2013, and our continuous focus on improving
efficiency in our operations. It is gratifying that the business continuous to
develop positively both in terms of growth and operating margin. The growth in
the USA is the highest growth figure since Loomis was listed on the stock
exchange in 2008 and the improvement in operating income for the Group confirms
my conviction that we will reach our goal of an operating margin of 10 percent
for the existing business for the full year 2014”, states Loomis President and
CEO Jarl Dahlfors.

1) Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Amortization of acquisition-related
intangible fixed assets, Acquisition-related costs and revenue and Items
affecting comparability.


Jarl Dahlfors                    Anders Haker
President and CEO                CFO
Cell number: +46 70 607 20 51    Cell number: +46 70 607 20 51
Email:  Email:

Loomis AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Swedish
Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The
information was submitted for publication at 3.00pm CEST on May 6th, 2014.


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