Sevan Drilling ASA: Annual General Meeting

The board of directors of Sevan Drilling ASA (the "Company") calls for an annual general meeting to be held at 2.00 pm (CET) on Thursday 19 June 2014, at theCompany's offices in Tordenskioldsgate 6, Oslo, Norway.

The notice of the meeting has today been distributed to the shareholders and is enclosed hereto. The complete notice with all appendices can be downloaded fromthe Company's web site,

Shareholders who wish to attend the general meeting are requested to notify the Company within 5.00 pm (CET) on Tuesday 17 June 2014, by submitting the enclosedattendance form to Nordea Bank Norge ASA, Verdipapirservice, P.O. Box 1166 Sentrum 0107 Oslo, Norway (fax: +47 22 48 63 49). Voting proxies may be given byusing the enclosed proxy form.

For further information, please contact:

Scott McReaken, CEO, Sevan Drilling ASA

+47 91194651 mobile

About Sevan Drilling:

Sevan Drilling ASA is an international offshore drilling contractor specializing in the ultra deepwater segment. Sevan Drilling ASA is listed on Oslo Børs.


Attendance and proxy form - Norwegian Attendance and proxy form - English Sevan Drilling AGM notice