Investor's Business Daily Launches New Editorials Podcast

Investor's Business Daily (IBD) launched the IBD Editorials Podcast today to add a new dimension to the Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoons and commentary found in its Issues & Insights editorials page.

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 26, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Investor's Business Daily (IBD) launched the IBD Editorials Podcast today to add a new dimension to the Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoons and commentary found in its Issues & Insights editorials page. With new episodes every Thursday, the IBD Editorials Podcast will feature in-depth interviews that separate the facts from the fiction behind the most important issues facing the country.

"People are tired of the simplistic talking points and self-serving spin from both sides of the political aisle," said host Matthew Galgani, who also co-hosts IBD's How to Make Money in Stocks radio show. "We need an honest debate based on the actual facts surrounding the major issues and events that affect the country. And that's what we aim to provide with this new podcast."

The show will delve into a wide range of topics, from the Affordable Care Act, immigration reform and tax policy to climate change, national security, and the upcoming mid-term and presidential elections.

Guests will include IBD's editorial writers, acclaimed members of the IBD Brain Trust and other experts and thought-leaders.

Each episode will also feature "Drawing Fire," a hard-hitting discussion of the week's top news stories with IBD Editorial Cartoonist, Senior Editor and 2-time Pulitzer Prize winner, Michael Ramirez.

In the inaugural podcast available now, IBD Senior Writer John Merline addresses a question that affects all Americans: Is ObamaCare working? Merline takes the listeners through a point-by-point, objective comparison of what was promised and what has actually been delivered, in terms of the cost of premiums, the reduction in the number of uninsured people and ObamaCare's effect on the deficit and job growth.

New episodes of the IBD Editorials Podcast will be released every Thursday on and iTunes. To learn more and download the first episode, visit


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