SEG and AAPG Foundation - Taking Award-Winning Humanitarian Program to the Next Level

TULSA, Okla., Dec. 3, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Foundation (SEGF) are proud to welcome the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation (AAPG-F) as a partner to the Geoscientists Without Borders® (GWB) program.  AAPGF's associate level commitment will bring a higher profile to geologist and geophysicists who are using scientific methods to help communities around the globe, and ensures important additional program funding required to continue the program's success.
The acclaimed Geoscientists Without Borders® program was established by the SEG Foundation in 2008 to support humanitarian applications of geoscience around the world. The program has proudly awarded 21 projects in 17 different countries, and most recently was honored by World Oil with its 2014 Best Outreach Award.   

"Geoscientists Without Borders® is a premier humanitarian program that benefits those far beyond the SEG – a truly global outreach project that has been rightfully recognized," said SEG President Chris Liner.

"Geophysics is the study of physics of the earth to understand geology and humanitarian needs, so our GWB partnership with AAPG Foundation is good for both organizations," said SEG Foundation Chairman Mike Forrest.

"The AAPG Foundation is excited to support Geoscientists Without Borders®," said AAPG-F Board Chairman Jim Gibbs. "Supporting geologic initiatives that also help provide communities with healthier places to live is of real value to us.

"The global aim and application of the humanitarian aspects of geoscience are efforts we can truly be proud of," Gibbs added.

Current Geoscientists Without Borders® projects around the world involve archaeology; earthquake, landslide, volcano and tsunami preparedness; pollution mitigation; habitat management; and water management.

About SEG and the SEG Foundation

The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (, the international society of applied geophysics, is a not-for-profit organization that promotes the science of geophysics and the education of applied geophysicists. SEG fosters the expert and ethical practice of geophysics in the exploration and development of natural resources, in characterizing the near surface, and in mitigating Earth hazards. The Society, which has 30,000 members in 138 countries, fulfills its mission through its publications, conferences, forums, website and educational opportunities.

The SEG Foundation, founded in 1987, is a not-for-profit 501c3 organization. The Foundation works with donors to secure funds supporting SEG initiatives.  To support GWB or any of the 17 SEG programs please give online at  For additional information contact Paul Allison, Executive Director at

About AAPG Foundation

The AAPG Foundation is a 501 (C) 3 charitable organization that supports educational, charitable and scientific programming aimed at advancing the geosciences for the benefit of people around the world. It has for more than 46 years promoted innovation in the geosciences by funding undergraduate and graduate research grants, providing support for geologic lectureships, funding awards for select geologic projects and educational exhibits, and more – all to advance the science and benefit the public. Through continued support of many generous donors, AAPG-F reaches thousands of people each year. Learn more about how AAPG-F is building a better foundation for the geosciences at

About Geoscientists Without Borders® Program

GWB was established by the SEG Foundation in 2008 with a US $1 million leadership in¬vestment from Schlumberger. This award winning, humanitarian program is empowering communities and transforming lives around the world.  For more information on Geoscientists Without Borders®, please visit

