Achieve Kim Kardashian Weight Loss Results With Diet Doc's Medically Supervised Diet Plans

Diet Doc Has Helped People Nationwide Achieve Kim Kardashian Weight Loss Results Safely, Quickly and Affordably

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Reality TV star, Kim Kardashian, recently celebrated her 56-pound post-baby weight loss with a nude photo shoot. She attributes her weight loss success to a strict workout regimen and the popular Atkins Diet. While many people may not be interested in this style of celebration, losing excess fat is definitely a time to celebrate. While there are many diets available that promise fast weight loss, Kim chose to follow the Atkins Diet, a low carbohydrate, ketogenic diet very similar to Diet Doc's medically supervised diet programs.

Diet Doc developed their diet plans that incorporate the healthiest principles of the Atkins Diet, along with a number of additional weight loss tools, leading to the weight loss success of thousands of people throughout the country.

Much like the Atkins Diet, Diet Doc's medical weight loss plans encourage low carbohydrate, low calorie foods. But, unlike the Atkins Diet, Diet Doc does not simply offer a blueprint for success. They work personally with each client throughout their entire journey to ensure the safest and most effective weight loss possible.

New patients will first complete a health questionnaire and consult online with one of Diet Doc's physicians, during which the entire system, medical history, current conditions, past failed weight loss attempts and weight loss goals will be discussed. This enables the doctor to identify underlying conditions, such as internal imbalances, cellular toxicity or sluggish organs that may have been hindering weight loss or promoting weight gain.

Next, patients will work closely with certified nutritionists to create meal and snack plans that are unique to their nutritional, medical and lifestyle needs. Recommendations may be made to accelerate weight loss with Diet Doc's pure, prescription hormone diet treatments and proprietary diet pills. Diet Doc patients are so successful because this powerful combination not only stimulates the hypothalamus to seek out stored fat, forcing it into the bloodstream to be quickly flushed from the system, but it also helps patients over the initial weight loss hurdles and eliminates the typical dieting side effects of fatigue, between meal hunger and food cravings.

Finally and most importantly, the team follows each patient throughout their journey with scheduled weekly checkup calls to monitor progress, attitude and comfort. This level of personal service enables doctors to quickly react to weight loss plateaus, modify the diet plan and immediately return the body to fast fat burn mode.  

Many people feel that they cannot afford diet plans that will achieve Kim Kardashian weight loss results. Diet Doc, however, believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to enjoy a more active, healthier life and developed their diet plans that are designed to fit comfortably into almost any budget, enabling thousands of everyday, normal people to achieve Kim Kardashian weight loss results.  

