Holmen invests in increased paperboard and pulp production

Holmen has decided to invest a total of SEK 530 million in increasing paperboard
and pulp production at Iggesund Paperboard.
The production capacity for paperboard at the UK mill in Workington will rise by
10 per cent or 20 000 tonnes through a rebuild of the paperboard machine’s press
section. The rebuild, which is expected to be completed during the first half of
2016, will also bring improved product quality.

At Iggesund Mill, pulp capacity will rise by 15 per cent or 50 000 tonnes. The
investment will be implemented in stages from 2015–2016. The measures will also
improve production stability and cut variable costs.

“Recent years have seen us invest strongly in reducing our energy costs and our
dependence on fossil fuels. Now we’re investing in increased production, while
also cutting our variable costs, and thus strengthening our competitiveness,”
explains Annica Bresky, CEO of Iggesund Paperboard.

“Our strategy is to grow organically and to make additional increases to our
paperboard production. For the mill in Workington, this investment marks a first
step in that direction. At Iggesund Mill, our ambition is to increase production
by 10 per cent in coming years without any major investment.”

For more information, please contact:
Annica Bresky, CEO, Iggesund Paperboard, tel. +46 705 20 01 29
Ingela Carlsson, Communications Director, Holmen, tel. +46 702 12 97 12

This is information that Holmen AB is obliged to disclose under the Swedish
Securities Market Act and the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The
information was submitted for publication on 10 December 2014 at 15.00 CET.
Holmen is a forest industry group that manufactures printing paper, paperboard
and sawn timber and runs forestry and energy production operations. In 2013
Holmen’s net sales were approx. SEK 16 billion and the group has approx. 3,700
employees. Holmen’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap. For more
information, visit www.holmen.com

