AS „TRASTA KOMERCBANKA” unaudited financial report for the year 2014

Riga, 2015-02-27 08:52 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Bank ended 2014 with a loss of EUR 9.79 million, including the loss of fourth quarter in the amount of EUR 9.83 million. In this quarter the Bank had to make provisions in the amount of EUR 9.79 million for a range of loans mostly related to the Ukrainian market and for real estate loans in Bulgaria. The Bank's capital and reserves as at 31 December 2014 were EUR 44.88 million. The Bank’s assets as at 31 December amounted to EUR 584.08 million, which is by EUR 168.97 million more than the final figure of 2013. As at the end of the reporting period the amount of attracted deposits reached EUR 500.22 million, but the Bank's loan portfolio amounted to EUR 99.88 million.

The main priority of the Bank in the fourth quarter was the issue of subordinated bonds in the amount of EUR 10,000,000. The issue was successfully completed and the bonds were purchased by 47 investors, 38 natural persons and 9 legal persons. On the basis of Board decision of AS NASDAQ OMX Riga, on December 16, 2014, the subordinated bonds of AS „TRASTA KOMERCBANKA” were included in the Nasdaq Baltic List of debt securities. Besides, in the fourth quarter the Bank started the process of changing its corporate identity, and soon the logotype and the corporate style of the Bank will be replaced. The Bank is continuing its work on the new website, and it is planned to be finished in the first quarter of 2015.

The Bank's consolidation group consists of the subsidiary companies: “TKB Nekustamie īpašumi”, “TKB Līzings” and its subsidiary “TKB Leasing Tajikistan”, “TKB LU” and “Project 1”; and also “Heckbert C7 Holdings” and its subsidiary „Ferrous Kereskedelmi KFT”. The amount of Group’s assets as at the end of the reporting period was EUR 576.51 million, which is by EUR 159.82 million more than the final figure of 2013. The Group ended the fourth quarter of 2014 with a loss of EUR 11.64 million.


 EUR ‘000 Note The Group The Bank


    2014 2013 2014 2013
Interest revenue   8 398 12 948 8 387 13 102
Interest expense    (2 744) (3 359) (2 744) (3 359)
Dividends   0 0 0 0
 Commission income   12 366 15 767 12 281 15 720
 Commission expense   (1 327) (2 450) (1 324) (2 442)
Net realized profit/loss on financial assets and liabilities at amortized cost   0 0 0 0
Net realized losses on available for sale financial assets   (67) 0 (67) 0
Net gains from trading financial assets   1 264 552 1 264 552
Net profit / loss on financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss statement   0 0 0 0
Changes in fair value due to risk minimization accounting   0 0 0 0
Net losses/gains from foreign currency trading and revaluation   1 381 2 905 1 798 2 888
Property, plant and equipment, investment property and intangible assets derecognition profit / loss   (25) (16) (25) (16)
Other income   592 1 423 184 147
Other expenses   (2 029) (1 360) (505) (808)
Administrative expenses   (13 488) (12 447) (13 313) (12 288)
Depreciation   (898) (931) (888) (919)
Result of forming reserves, net 9 (14 600) (10 304) (14 455) (9 744)
Impairment losses   (135) (279) (149) (238)
Profit/(loss) before corporate income tax   (11 312) 2 449 (9 556) 2 595
Corporate income tax   (329) (911) (238) (744)
Profit/loss for the period   (11 641) 1 538 (9 794) 1 851

AS “TRASTA KOMERCBANKA” is one of the oldest commercial banks in Latvia which has been working in the financial market since 1989. The bank offers a wide range of financial services for local and international clients. The consolidated group has also representative offices in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Hong Kong and a branch in Cyprus.

         Sabīne Košeļeva
         Public Relations Specialist
         Phone: +371 67027964
         fax: 67027700


Financial report of Quarter 4, 2014.pdf