The Center Prepares to Celebrate 100 Years of Hospital Advocacy in Northeast Ohio

CLEVELAND, March 9, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Efforts to plan a year-long celebration marking 100 years of hospital advocacy in Northeast Ohio have begun at The Center for Health Affairs. Formally organized in March of 1916, The Center has become known as the leading advocate for Northeast Ohio hospitals over the last century. To celebrate the approaching 100th anniversary of the nonprofit hospital association, plans are being made by a committee of staff members from both The Center and its business affiliate CHAMPS Healthcare.

Celebrating 100 Years of Hospital Advocacy in Northeast Ohio

Initial plans for The Center's 100th anniversary include efforts to celebrate the organization's history of hospital advocacy, opportunities to give back to the community and an event that will bring together those who have been involved with the organization over the years. All projects are in the planning stages now and will begin rolling out this fall, with the final event slated to take place in the summer of 2016.

Learn More and Stay Connected

More details about The Center's plans to celebrate 100 years of hospital advocacy in Northeast Ohio will be released as they become available. Follow the hashtag #NEOHospitals100 to stay connected with The Center's planning efforts and help spread the word on social media by sharing one of the sample posts below.


Follow @NEOHospitals to celebrate 100 yrs of hospital advocacy. #NEOHospitals100 anniversary celebration kicks off this fall!


Join The Center for Health Affairs as they prepare for their 100th anniversary celebration kicking off this fall! LIKE their Facebook page and follow #NEOHospitals100 to stay connected.

To learn more about The Center's anniversary plans, contact Deanna Moore at 216.255.3614 or via email.

With a rich history as the Northeast Ohio hospital association, dating back to 1916, The Center for Health Affairs serves as the collective voice of hospitals and the source for Northeast Ohio hospital and healthcare information. As the leading advocate for Northeast Ohio hospitals, The Center aims to enhance the effectiveness of the healthcare community and the health of the communities it serves by providing expertise, resources and solutions to address the challenges faced by the region's healthcare providers. The Center's efforts focus on areas that benefit member hospitals from a regional approach, including healthcare workforce; emergency preparedness; public policy and advocacy; finance and reimbursement; and community initiatives. And because of its business affiliation with CHAMPS Healthcare, The Center has the resources to provide a broad level of professional services to its members. The Center, located in downtown Cleveland, is proud to advocate on behalf of 34 acute-care hospitals and two long-term acute-care hospitals in six counties. The Center for Health Affairs is honored to be named as one of The Cleveland Plain Dealer's Top Workplaces in 2014 and to ERC's Northcoast99 List in 2003, 2004, 2010, 2012 and 2014. For more, visit

