March 15-21 Is Termite Awareness Week

Terminix Service, Inc. (TSI) Encourages Public Awareness of Termite Threats During the Spring Season When Termites Will Launch an Attack on Vulnerable Homes

COLUMBIA, S.C., March 17, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Terminix Service, Inc., a pest management company with nearly 70 years of service in South Carolina, western North Carolina and the CSRA area of eastern Georgia, is proud to observe Termite Awareness Week, March 15-21. Joining the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) to promote public vigilance against termites during Termite Awareness Week, March 15-21, Terminix Service will participate in this annual observance by educating homeowners about the threat of termites and the possible signs of an infestation.

Termites are known as "silent destroyers" because their constant gnawing can go unnoticed until significant structural damage to the home occurs. Termites can feed 24-hours a day, seven days a week on the cellulose found in wood and paper products.

"Winged swarmers are often the first sign to homeowners that termites may be invading and typically appear in spring to search for suitable spots to create a new colony, often settling down in homes that have sustained moisture damage over the winter from snow, ice, rain or wind," said Kevin Hathorne, BCE, Technical Director at TSI. "Subterranean termites are most likely to cause problems in our service region, so we want to ensure that homeowners remain vigilant, looking for signs of these wood-destroying pests in and around their property."

The NPMA and TSI offer the following signs that termites may be present in a home:

  1. Mud tubes (used by termites to reach a food source) on the exterior of the home.
  2. Soft wood in the home that sounds hollow when tapped.
  3. Darkening or blistering of wood structures.
  4. Cracked or bubbling paint.
  5. Discarded wings near doors or on windowsills, indicating swarmers have entered the home or swarmers themselves, which are often mistaken for flying ants.

"If homeowners notice any of these signs, they should contact a pest professional who can best determine the extent of the problem and recommend a proper treatment plan," added Hathorne.

For more information on termites, please visit

