Annual General Meeting of AB SKF

Gothenburg, 26 March 2015: The Annual General Meeting of Aktiebolaget SKF,
parent company of the SKF Group, was held in Göteborg on Thursday, 26 March
2015, under the chairmanship of Mr Leif Östling.

The income statements and the balance sheets were adopted, together with the
Board’s proposal for distribution of dividend. A dividend of SEK 5.50 per share
was approved. To be entitled to receive the dividend, shareholders must be
recorded in the share register on 30 March 205.

The Meeting resolved that the Board’s fee for 2015 is to be in accordance with
the following:
a) a firm allotment of SEK 7,750,000 to be distributed with SEK 1,900,000 to the
Chairman of the Board, and with SEK 650,000 to each other Board member elected
by the General Meeting and not employed by the company; and

b) an allotment for committee work of SEK 960,000 to be distributed with SEK
220,000 to the chairman of the Audit Committee, with SEK 157,000 to each of the
other members of the Audit Committee, with SEK 126,000 to the chairman of the
Remuneration Committee and with SEK 100,000 to each of the other members of the
Remuneration Committee.

A prerequisite for obtaining an allotment is that the Board member is elected by
the General Meeting and is not employed by the company.

The following Board members were re-elected: Mr Leif Östling, Ms Lena Treschow
Torell, Mr Peter Grafoner, Mr Lars Wedenborn, Mr Joe Loughrey, Mr Jouko
Karvinen, Mr Baba Kalyani, Mr Hock Goh and Ms Marie Bredberg. The following
Board members where newly elected: Ms Nancy Gougarty and Mr Alrik Danielson.

Mr Leif Östling was elected Chairman of the Board.

The Meeting approved the Board’s proposal regarding principles of remuneration
for Group Management and the Board’s proposal for a resolution on SKF’s
Performance Share Programme 2015. The programme covers not more than 225 senior
managers and key employees in the SKF Group with an opportunity to be allotted,
free of charge, SKF B shares. Under the programme, not more than 1,000,000
shares, corresponding to around 0.2% of the total number of outstanding shares,
may be allotted. The number of shares that may be allotted must be related to
the average TVA development during 2015-2017 compared to the actual TVA in 2014.

The Meeting approved the proposal presented regarding the Nomination Committee.

Aktiebolaget SKF

For further information, please contact:
Media Hotline: +46 31 337 2400
Press Relations: Theo Kjellberg, +46 31-337 6576; +46 725-776 576;
Investor Relations: Marita Björk, +46 31-337 1994; +46 705-181 994;

SKF is a leading global supplier of bearings, seals, mechatronics, lubrication
systems, and services which include technical support, maintenance and
reliability services, engineering consulting and training. SKF is represented in
more than 130 countries and has around 15,000 distributor locations worldwide.
Annual sales in 2014 were SEK 70 975 million and the number of employees was 48

® SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group.
™ BeyondZero is a trademark of the SKF Group

